Scholars' Bank will be on a content freeze from 9/6 - 9/16 as we transition to a new & improved version. Minimal downtime expected on 9/16. Stay tuned for more updates!

Browsing Tiller Ranger District by Issue Date


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  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-06)
    Proposes commercial thinning of about 1,508 acres of managed plantations and fire-regenerated second-growth using ground-based or skyline logging systems in the Matrix land allocation generating approximately 12.5 million ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-09)
    The proposed action is to reduce conifer encroachment by commercial thinning on approximately 3 acres. No trees over 20" DBH will be cut. Trees up to 20 inches in diameter would be removed to create an opening dominated ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-09-09)
    Announces decision choosing Alternative 4 of project EA, initiating commercial thinning of about 1,508 acres of managed and natural stands (second growth) using ground-based or skyline logging systems in the Matrix land ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-10)
    Proposes a total of about 219.1 acres for harvest within lands allocated to the Matrix under the Northwest Forest Plan to remove an estimated 3.2 MMBF (million board feet) of wind-thrown trees using a variety of logging ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2009-03-16)
    Announces decision implementing roadside treatments by thinning, pruning, piling or chipping slash along the major roads (Forest Road 1610, 1610-050, 1610-100, 1610-500) within the lower Devil's Knob portion of the Elk ...

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