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Umpqua National Forest

Recent Submissions

  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-09)
    The proposed action is to reduce conifer encroachment by commercial thinning on approximately 3 acres. No trees over 20" DBH will be cut. Trees up to 20 inches in diameter would be removed to create an opening dominated ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-10)
    Proposes a total of about 219.1 acres for harvest within lands allocated to the Matrix under the Northwest Forest Plan to remove an estimated 3.2 MMBF (million board feet) of wind-thrown trees using a variety of logging ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2009-03-16)
    Announces decision implementing roadside treatments by thinning, pruning, piling or chipping slash along the major roads (Forest Road 1610, 1610-050, 1610-100, 1610-500) within the lower Devil's Knob portion of the Elk ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-09-09)
    Announces decision choosing Alternative 4 of project EA, initiating commercial thinning of about 1,508 acres of managed and natural stands (second growth) using ground-based or skyline logging systems in the Matrix land ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-06)
    Proposes commercial thinning of about 1,508 acres of managed plantations and fire-regenerated second-growth using ground-based or skyline logging systems in the Matrix land allocation generating approximately 12.5 million ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2009-03)
    Proposes project modifying pine beetle habitat conditions in stands containing lodgepole to reduce potential infestation by mountain pine beetles. Includes variable density commercial thinning of 3,165 acres in lodgepole ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2009-02)
    Excludes from further environmental analysis project ensuring the long-term sustainability and viability of a unique wildlife habitat type on the Fish Creek Flat Area of the Diamond Lake Ranger District. In order to retain ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-01)
    The purpose of this project is to provide for adequate parking facilities at two snow-parks currently being used on the Diamond Lake Ranger District through a modest expansion of their current size in order to accommodate ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2009-02)
    Approves the issuance of a special use permit for the construction of the proposed Watson Communication Site (com site) and issuance of special use permits associated with the use and maintenance of the com site. The ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-06)
    Proposes commercial thinning of about 1,835 acres of timber stands using helicopter, ground-based, and skyline logging systems in AMA, Matrix and Riparian Reserve land allocations generating about 25 million board feet ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-09-03)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 4 of project EA, implementing commercial thinning of about 1,835 acres of timber stands using helicopter, ground-based, and skyline logging systems in AMA, Matrix and Riparian ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-04)
    Announces decision to implement project with 313 acres of winter mowing, 70 acres of food plot creation, 26 acres of soil restoration and forage enhancement, and 20 acres of meadow restoration.
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-02)
    Finds no further environmental study is needed for project including winter range mowing, food plot creation, soil restoration and forage enhancement, and meadow restoration. These treatments are located in the Thorn ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-01-30)
    Announces decision to approve pre-commercial thinning projects. The purpose of this project is to reduce stand densities, prolong early seral stage stand structure, increase growth rate of dominant trees, and enhance ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-04)
    Proposed action includes: Of the 1,282 acre planning area, commercial thinning 1000 acres of timber stands using helicopter, ground-based, and skyline logging systems in both the matrix and riparian reserve land allocations ...
  • Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-05-08)
    Announces decision initiating project, including: Commercial thinning 1000 acres of timber stands using helicopter, groundbased, and skyline logging systems in both the matrix and riparian reserve land allocations to ...