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Browsing Mc Kenzie River Ranger District by Title


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  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-09-05)
    Approves project implementing timber harvest on 915 acres for a gross estimate of 12.3 million board feet (MMBF) of Forest products. Natural fuels underburning will occur within two units on approximately 49 acres with ...
  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-07)
    Proposes to respond to the purpose and need by implementing timber harvest on 915 acres for a gross estimate of 12.3 million board feet (MMBF) of Forest products. Natural fuels underburning will occur within two units on ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2008-04-18)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative B of the project EA, to thin 2463 acres, yielding a gross estimate of 47.8 million board feet of wood products that would be sold over 3 years beginning in fiscal year 2008. The ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2008-03)
    Proposes to thin 2463 acres, yielding a gross estimate of 47.8 million board feet of wood products that would be sold over 3 years beginning in fiscal year 2008. The objectives would be to restore structural diversity in ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2005-05)
    Proposes to implement a Master Plan that identifies a variety of improvements proposed to upgrade facilities and services for campers, comply with Americans with Disabilities Act and other special requirements, enhance the ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2002-06-14)
    Proposes actions to develop an interpretive gateway facility to the historic Fish Lake Remount Depot, educating the public about the site's significance, making historic features more visible and accessible, and controlling ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2005-07-29)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 4 of project EA, harvesting 706 acres, including 563 acres of thinning and 143 acres of regeneration harvest to be done later. This alternative will reduce the stand diversity ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2005-04)
    Proposes to harvest timber on approximately 706 acres, including commercial thinning on 622 acres and regeneration harvest on 84 acres, with commercial harvest volume estimated at 11.6 million board feet. Includes construction ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2004-09)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative A of project EA, to encourage summertime use of ski facilities which will attract additional visitors with a new slide constructed along with mitigation measures, minimizing any ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2004-06)
    Proposes to amend the Special Use Permit to authorize Hoodoo Ski Area to construct and operate a summer use alpine slide within their permit area, estimated to be 3040 feet in length from the top of a central ski run to ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2002-07)
    Proposes to fall about 204 hazardous trees in 18 acres adjacent to Forest Service Road 19, and include 168 trees in a salvage timber sale that would yield an estimated 200 thousand board feet. The remaining 36 trees would ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2005-05)
    Proposes gating roads 2638345 and 2600280, which would preclude motorized public access to 3.2 miles of road, at the request of Giustina Resources, who are concerned about human-caused fire.
  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-07)
    The McKenzie River Ranger District (MRRD) on the Willamette National Forest (WNF) proposes to treat competing vegetation occupying research plots on approximately 5416 m2 with glyphosate. This treatment may occur at a ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2007-12)
    Proposes to develop and implement formal management of OHV use within the Santiam Wagon Road and Sand Mountain Special Interest Areas, the Big Lake Campground Complex, and the Hoodoo Ski Area. Includes designating a system ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2003-06)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative B of the project EA, because it satisfies the primary purpose and need to salvage commercially windthrown trees and portions of felled hazard trees in a timely manner while they ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2003-05)
    Proposes salvaging about 70 thousand board feet (MBF) of windthrown trees (about 15 log truck loads), felling about 31 hazard trees along the six-mile haul route as part of a timber sale contract intended to mitigate impacts ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2007-01-11)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative A of the project EA, supplementing existing in-stream large woody material for aquatic habitat enhancement within an 8.5 mile reach of the South Fork McKenzie River and lower ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2006-11)
    Responds to South Fork McKenzie Watershed Analysis findings of loss of early life habitat for bull trout and spring Chinook salmon by proposing to supplement existing in-stream large woody material for aquatic habitat ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2001-06)
    Proposes to fall 205 hazardous trees on 22 acres adjacent to state and federal highways, and include 171 trees in a salvage timber sale that would yield an estimated 100 thousand board feet. The remaining 34 trees, including ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2007)
    Announces decision to implement project removing approximately 185 wind-thrown and root sprung trees from 17 acres located along the McKenzie River near a section of the McKenzie River National Recreation Trail above the ...

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