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Willamette National Forest


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Recent Submissions

  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-09)
    Proposes to thin area of over 2,900 acres of dense, even-aged, uniform, single-story, 35- to 60-year old plantations. This alternative is expected to yield approximately 40 million board feet of timber sawlogs to meet the ...
  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-09-05)
    Approves project implementing timber harvest on 915 acres for a gross estimate of 12.3 million board feet (MMBF) of Forest products. Natural fuels underburning will occur within two units on approximately 49 acres with ...
  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-07)
    Proposes to respond to the purpose and need by implementing timber harvest on 915 acres for a gross estimate of 12.3 million board feet (MMBF) of Forest products. Natural fuels underburning will occur within two units on ...
  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-07)
    The McKenzie River Ranger District (MRRD) on the Willamette National Forest (WNF) proposes to treat competing vegetation occupying research plots on approximately 5416 m2 with glyphosate. This treatment may occur at a ...
  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-08)
    Proposes that about 1291 acres of 30-60 year-old, managed stands would be commercially thinned and various measures would be taken to encourage species diversity and improve stand complexity.
  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-11)
    Proposes to authorize the following in a 20-year Special Use Permit: On the ONF-CRNG, MHNF, and WNF, a ROW that authorizes 1) continued operation and maintenance of the transmission line facilities; 2) routine vegetation ...
  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-09)
    Announces decision to select Alternative 3 to implement timber harvest on approximately 1276 acres of densely stocked, previously managed stands within the French Bug project area. This alternative will include commercial ...
  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-09-19)
    Announces decision selecting Alternative 3, thinning the stands with a focus on accelerating the development of late successional stand characteristics in critical habitat for the northern spotted owl and increasing time ...
  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-07)
    Proposes harvesting 1255 of 2200 acres of stands. Approximately 945 acres would remain untreated. Also includes maintenance and construction of roads.
  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.); United States. Bureau of Land Management. Salem District; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Oregon State Office (1998-08)
    Analyzes terrestrial habitats in 11 designated LSRs on lands managed by the Willamette National Forest and the Salem and Eugene Bureau of Land Management Districts as required by the Northwest Forest Plan. Seeks to maintain ...
  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (1999-09-02)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of the 1999 Integrated Weed Management environmental assessment, continuing a program of noxious weed treatment based on the type of infestation for 205 populations of weeds. ...
  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (1999-04-26)
    Proposes to apply new standards and guidelines to update the current Integrated Weed Management program through a non-significant amendment, by adding potential and new invaders to the 1993 list, and prescribing treatment ...
  • Middle Fork Ranger District (Or.) (2004-04-16)
    Supplement, pursuant to an opinion and order from a 2003 lawsuit, discusses the application of management recommendations for survey and manage species found in the Straw Devil and East Devil timber sales area, located in ...
  • Middle Fork Ranger District (Or.) (2007)
    Proposes to sell a two-acre parcel of land to the Hazeldell Rural Fire Protection District for use as a fire station site in the eastern end of the High Prairie rural residential area, about six miles north of the city of ...
  • Middle Fork Ranger District (Or.) (2007-10-31)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 3 of the project EA, to thin commercially about 3762 acres of 35-60 year-old second-growth stands to accelerate the development of late-successional forest conditions and habitat ...
  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2003-01)
    Provides line officers with ongoing critical information for the operation and maintenance of a safe and affordable road system that is responsive to public needs and meets land management objectives with minimal negative ...
  • Middle Fork Ranger District (Or.) (2003-12-12)
    Announces decision to salvage downed logs and certain trees identified as potential hazard trees along the Fall Creek Road (18), as well as Roads 1817, 1821, 1828, and 1830, and spurs within the perimeter of the Clark Fire. ...
  • Middle Fork Ranger District (Or.) (2005-03-30)
    Announces decision to implement stream enhancement component of Alternative C of the project EA, falling about 70-90 hazard trees into Fall Creek to provide large woody debris structure to enhance the stream environment ...
  • Middle Fork Ranger District (Or.) (2005-01)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative C to restore area burned by the Clark Fire in 2003 that provides for public safety, ensures the re-establishment of the forest setting, restores the riparian habitat, manages ...
  • Middle Fork Ranger District (Or.) (2005-01)
    Promises to restore area burned by the Clark Fire in 2003 that provides for public safety, ensures the re-establishment of the forest setting, restores the riparian habitat, manages forest fuels and coarse woody debris, ...

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