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Economics Working Papers: Recent submissions

  • Evans, George W., 1949-; Guse, Eran A. (Eran Alan), 1975-; Honkapohja, Seppo, 1951- (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2007-06-05)
    We examine global economic dynamics under learning in a New Keynesian model in which the interest-rate rule is subject to the zero lower bound. Under normal monetary and fiscal policy, the intended steady state is locally ...
  • Davies, Ronald B.; Ionascu, Delia; Kristjánsdóttir, Helga (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2007-05)
    This paper applies the panel fixed effects with vector decomposition estimator to three FDI datasets to estimate the impact of time-invariant variables on FDI while including fixed effects. We find that the omission of ...
  • Davies, Ronald B.; Eckel, Carsten (University of Oregon. Dept of Economics, 2007-02)
    This paper models tax competition for mobile firms that are differentiated by the amount of labor needed to cover fixed costs. Because tax competition affects the distribution of firms, it affects both relative equilibrium ...
  • Nouweland, Anne van den (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2007-10)
    We define and study games with limited aspirations. In a game with limited aspirations there are upper bounds on the possible payoffs for some coalitions. These restrictions require adjustments in the definitions of ...
  • Davies, Ronald B.; Eckel, Carsten (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2007-03)
    This paper models tax competition for mobile firms that are differentiated by the amount of labor needed to cover fixed costs. Because tax competition affects the distribution of firms, it affects both relative equilibrium ...
  • Evans, George W., 1949-; Honkapohja, Seppo, 1951-; Mitra, Kaushik (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2007-02-18)
    We consider the impact of anticipated policy changes when agents form expectations using adaptive learning rather than rational expectations. To model this we assume that agents combine limited structural knowledge with ...
  • Davies, Ronald B.; Naughton, Helen T. (Helen Tammela), 1976- (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2006-07)
    Inefficient competition in emissions taxes creates benefits from international cooperation. In the presence of cross-border pollution, proximate (neighboring) countries may have greater incentives to cooperate than distant ...
  • Davies, Ronald B.; Reed, Robert R. (Robert Ray), 1970- (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2006-05-25)
    This paper studies the role of population aging for foreign direct investment and the strategic taxation of capital. Importantly, our theoretical model suggests that the labor market implications of aging differ from the ...
  • Davies, Ronald B. (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2003-04-10)
    As of 1987, the Anti-Drug Abuse Act (ADAA) has imposed mandatory minimum sentences for drug traffickers based on the quantity of the drug involved regardless of its purity. Using the STRIDE dataset on drug arrests and a ...
  • Davies, Ronald B.; Egger, Hartmut; Egger, Peter (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2003-04-10)
    This paper studies non-cooperative tax competition between two countries for an international producer. The international producer chooses where to locate its headquarters and whether to serve the overseas market through ...
  • Davies, Ronald B.; Kristjánsdóttir, Helga (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2006-06)
    Fixed costs play a crucial role in current models of foreign direct investment (FDI), yet they are almost entirely ignored in empirical treatments of FDI. We fill this gap by using a 1989-2001 panel of FDI flows into ...
  • Davies, Ronald B.; Shea, Paul, 1977- (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2006-07-31)
    This paper develops a simple two-country, two-good model of international trade and borrowing that suppresses all previous sources of current account dynamics. Under rational expectations, international debt follows a ...
  • Evans, George W., 1949-; McGough, Bruce (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2007-01-01)
    By endowing his agents with simple forecasting models, or representations, Woodford (1990) found that finite state Markov sunspot equilibria may be stable under learning. We show that common factor representations ...
  • Esposito, Lucio; Lambert, Peter J. (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2007-02-02)
    Current poverty measurement methodology does not allow a definitive analysis of changes in distribution, through time or between countries, which involve changes in the number or proportion of poor people. By reopening some ...
  • Lambert, Peter J.; Kim, Kinam, 1970- (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2007-02-06)
    In this study we derive measures of the redistributive effect of taxes and welfare expenditures for the U.S. using CPS data for the years 1994, 1999 and 2004. We find that whilst income inequality increased, the redistributive ...
  • Branch, William A.; Evans, George W., 1949- (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2006-11-13)
    This paper advocates a theory of expectation formation that incorporates many of the central motivations of behavioral finance theory while retaining much of the discipline of the rational expectations approach. We provide ...
  • Evans, George W., 1949-; McGough, Bruce (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2006-10-09)
    We consider a linear univariate rational expectations model, with a predetermined variable, and study existence and stability of solutions driven by an extraneous finite-state Markov process. We show that when the model ...
  • Essama-Nssah, B. (Boniface), 1949-; Lambert, Peter J. (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2006-09-22)
    Poverty reduction has become a fundamental objective of development, and therefore a metric for assessing the effectiveness of various interventions. Economic growth can be a powerful instrument of income poverty reduction. ...
  • Visser, Michael Scott, 1976-; Harbaugh, William; Mocan, H. Naci (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2006-08)
    We report results from economic experiments that provide a direct test of the hypothesis that criminal behavior responds rationally to changes in the possible rewards and in the probability and severity of punishment. ...
  • Magud, Nicolas; Reinhart, Carmen M.; Rogoff, Kenneth S. (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2005-11)
    The literature on capital controls has (at least) four very serious apples-to-oranges problems: (i) There is no unified theoretical framework to analyze the macroeconomic consequences of controls; (ii) there is significant ...

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