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Browsing Economics Working Papers by Issue Date


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  • Ellis, Christopher J.; Nouweland, Anne van den (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2000-02-01)
    We construct a market based mechanism that induces players in a non-cooperative game to make the same choices as characterize cooperation. We then argue that this mechanism is applicable to a wide range of economic questions ...
  • Davies, Ronald B. (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2000-05-01)
    When a multinational firm invests in a country, potential host states compete for the firm by offering firm-specific tax reductions. Critics blast such incentives as a prisoner’s dilemma that transfers rents to the firm ...
  • Chisik, Richard; Davies, Ronald B. (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2000-06-01)
    Bilateral international tax treaties govern the host country taxation for the vast majority of the world’s foreign direct investment (FDI). Of particular interest is the fact that the tax rates used under these treaties ...
  • Davies, Ronald B. (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2000-07-01)
    Some firms voluntarily abstain from using child labor, presumably in response to concerns about the welfare of overseas child workers. These firms do not, however, support banning the imports of competitors’ products ...
  • Davies, Ronald B.; Gresik, Thomas A. (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2001-01-01)
    This paper derives welfare equivalence of double taxation rules in a tax competition model with discriminatory home taxes and the ability to finance subsidiary operations with host country capital. For a more general model, ...
  • Blonigen, Bruce A.; Davies, Ronald B. (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2001-01-01)
    The effects of bilateral tax treaties on FDI activity have been unexplored, despite significant ongoing activities by countries to negotiate and ratify these treaties. This paper estimates the impact of bilateral tax ...
  • Evans, George W., 1949-; Guesnerie, R. (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2001-05-15)
    We investigate local strong rationality (LSR) in a one step forward looking univariate model with memory one. Eductive arguments are used to determine when common knowledge (CK) that the solution is near some perfect ...
  • Voorneveld, Mark; Nouweland, Anne van den (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2001-06-01)
    A new class of cooperative multicriteria games is introduced which takes into account two different types of criteria: private criteria, which correspond to divisible and excludable goods, and public criteria, which in an ...
  • Davies, Ronald B.; Ellis, Christopher J. (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2001-06-01)
    Tax incentives offered to attract firms engaged in foreign direct investment are often tied to performance requirements such as domestic content restrictions. The tax competition literature has repeatedly shown that ...
  • Blonigen, Bruce A.; Davies, Ronald B. (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2001-06-01)
    We explore the impact of bilateral tax treaties on foreign direct investment using data from OECD countries over the period 1982-1992. We find that recent treaty formation does not promote new investment, contrary to the ...
  • Jackson, Matthew O.; Nouweland, Anne van den (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2001-06-01)
    We analyze the formation of networks among individuals. In particular, we examine the existence of networks that are stable against changes in links by any coalition of individuals. We show that to investigate the existence ...
  • Krause, Kate; Harbaugh, William (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2001-06-01)
    This paper describes some simple economic experiments that can be done using children as subjects. We argue that by conducting experiments on children economists can gain insight into the origins of preferences, the ...
  • Harbaugh, William (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2001-06-01)
    Governments can and do adopt many policies that will improve the health and reduce the mortality risks of children. Given this, estimates of the value of improvements in children’s health and reductions in their mortality ...
  • Blonigen, Bruce A.; Kolpin, Van (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2001-06-01)
    The active "courting" of firms by municipalities, regions, and even nations has a long-standing history and the competition for firm location through a wide variety of incentives seems to have escalated to new heights in ...
  • Blonigen, Bruce A.; Park, Jee-Hyeong (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2001-07-01)
    Antidumping (AD) duties are calculated as the difference between the foreign firm’s product price in the export market and some definition of "normal" or "fair" value, often the foreign firm’s product price in its own ...
  • Cameron, Trudy Ann (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2001-07-14)
    Willingness to support public programs for risk management often depends on individual subjective risk perceptions in the face of uncertain science. As part of a larger study concerning climate change, we explore individual ...
  • Evans, George W., 1949-; Honkapohja, Seppo, 1951- (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2001-08-03)
    A fundamentals based monetary policy rule, which would be the optimal monetary policy without commitment when private agents have perfectly rational expectations, is unstable if in fact these agents follow standard adaptive ...
  • DeShazo, J. R.; Cameron, Trudy Ann; Saenz, Manrique, 1971- (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2001-11-05)
    We develop and evaluate a test of choice set misspecification for a multinomial logit choice model. This test determines whether the choice set designated by the researcher mistakenly assigns relevant substitutes to the ...
  • Evans, George W., 1949-; Ramey, Garey (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2001-11-29)
    A striking implication of the replacement of adaptive expectations by Rational Expectations was the "Lucas Critique," which showed that expectation parameters, and endogenous variable dynamics, depend on policy parameters. ...
  • Davies, Ronald B. (University of Oregon, Dept. of Economics, 2002-01-01)
    Model tax treaties do not require tax rate coordination, but do call for either credits or exemptions when calculating a multinational’s domestic taxes. This contradicts recent models with a single capital exporter where ...

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