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Economics Working Papers


This collection contains papers in the University of Oregon Economics Department Working Papers series. Papers in this series are also available on the department's web site at:

Recent Submissions

  • Andreoni, James; Harbaugh, William (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2009-12)
    Experimental work on preferences over risk has typically considered choices over a small number of discrete options, some of which involve no risk. Such experiments often demonstrate contradictions of standard expected ...
  • Cameron, Trudy Ann; DeShazo, J. R. (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2008-10)
    We show in a theoretical model that benefits of allocating additional attention to evaluating the marginal attribute with in choice set depend upon the expected utility loss from making a suboptimal choice as a result ...
  • Blonigen, Bruce A. (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2010-11)
    Past literature has found evidence that labor market attributes affect individuals’ trade policy preferences in a manner consistent with theories of international trade. This paper shows that, with the exception of ...
  • Chakraborty, Shankha; Papageorgiou, Chris (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2010-09)
    Why are some countries mired in poverty and ill health? Can policy facilitate their transition to sustained growth and better living standards? We offer answers using a dynamic model of disease and development. Endogenous ...
  • Cameron, Trudy Ann; DeShazo, J. R.; Johnson, Erica H. (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2009-11-22)
    Stated preference (SP) survey methods have been used increasingly to assess willingness to pay for a wide variety of non-market goods and services, including reductions in risks to life and health. Poorly designed SP ...
  • Evans, George W., 1949- (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2010-10-30)
    In Evans, Guse, and Honkapohja (2008) the intended steady state is locally but not globally stable under adaptive learning, and unstable deflationary paths can arise after large pessimistic shocks to expectations. In ...
  • Evans, George W., 1949-; Honkapohja, Seppo, 1951- (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2009-07-06)
    We examine global economic dynamics under infinite-horizon learning in a New Keynesian model in which the interest-rate rule is subject to the zero lower bound. As in Evans, Guse and Honkapohja (2008), we find that under ...
  • Branch, William A.; Evans, George W., 1949- (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2010-04-30)
    This paper studies the implications for monetary policy of heterogeneous expectations in a New Keynesian model. The assumption of rational expec- tations is replaced with parsimonious forecasting models where agents ...
  • Evans, George W., 1949-; Honkapohja, Seppo, 1951-; Mitra, Kaushik, 1969- (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2010-08-04)
    This paper considers the Ricardian Equivalence proposition when expectations are not rational and are instead formed using adaptive learning rules. We show that Ricardian Equivalence continues to hold provided suitable ...
  • Wozniak, David; Harbaugh, William; Mayr, Ulrich, 1962- (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2010-10-28)
    Economic experiments have shown that in mixed gender groups women are more reluctant than men to choose tournaments when given the choice between piece rate and winner-take-all tournament style compensation. These gender ...
  • Burlando, Alfredo (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2010-11-02)
    Do transitory income shocks affect infant health? I find evidence that birth weights fell following a temporary income reduction caused by an unexpected, month-long blackout in Zanzibar. Relying on 350 household surveys ...
  • Gray, Jo Anna; Stockard, Jean; Stone, Joe A. (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2008-09)
  • Stone, Joe A.; Gray, Jo Anna; Stockard, Jean; O'Brien, Robert (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2008-01)
    We employ newly developed methods to disentangle age, period and cohort effects on nonmarital fertility ratios (NFRs) from 1972 to 2002 for black and white women aged 20-44 in the United States. We focus on three cohort ...
  • Bania, Neil; Stone, Joe A. (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2007-06)
    This paper offers unique rankings of the extent to which fiscal structures of U.S. states contribute to economic growth. The rankings are novel in two key respects: they are well grounded in established growth theory, ...
  • Fender, John; Ellis, Christopher J. (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2008-04-01)
    In this paper we combine Acemoglu's model of the economic origins of democracy with Lohmann's model of political mass protest. This alllows us to provide an analysis of the economic causes of political regime change ...
  • Honkapohja, Seppo, 1951-; Evans, George W., 1949- (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2008-07-11)
    Expectations play a central role in modern macroeconomic theories. The econometric learning approach models economic agents as forming expectations by estimating and updating forecasting models in real time. The learning ...
  • Stone, Joe A.; Stockard, Jean; Gray, Jo Anna (Department of Economics, University of Oregon, 2008-09)
    In a 2006 article in Demography, Jo Anna Gray, Jean Stockard and Joe Stone (GSSi)observe that among black women and white women ages 20 to 39, birth rates increased sharply for unmarried women over the period 1974 to ...
  • Branch, William A.; Evans, George W., 1949- (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2008-01-31)
    This paper demonstrates that an asset pricing model with least-squares learning can lead to bubbles and crashes as endogenous responses to the fundamentals driving asset prices. When agents are risk-averse they generate ...
  • Nouweland, Anne van den (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2007-09-12)
    I provide an elegant proof identifying the unique mixed Nash equilibrium of the Rock-Paper-Scissors game. The proof is based on intuition rather than elimination of cases. It shows that for any mixed strategy other than ...
  • Stockard, Jean; Gray, Jo Anna; O'Brien, Robert; Stone, Joe A. (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2007-05)
    The authors employ a newly developed method to disentangle age, period and cohort effects on nonmarital fertility ratios (NFR) from 1972 to 2002 for U.S. women aged 20-44 – with a focus on three specific cohort factors: ...

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