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Master of Fine Arts Terminal Project Reports: Recent submissions

  • Milner, Stephen (University of Oregon, 2018)
    My thesis work revolves around the tension between frustration and desire, through trying to connect the seemingly disparate activities of surfing and gay men cruising for sex. I am interested in the latent eroticism of ...
  • Wood, Natalie (University of Oregon, 2018)
    While employed as a custodian, I developed a detailed knowledge of the building I cleaned – where to find hidden outlets, dusty crevices, and secret doors to air duct chambers. As an artist who works site-specifically, I ...
  • Wurts, Alexander (University of Oregon, 2018)
    For me, trying to reconcile the relationship between a digital image and the physical art-object is of specific importance and drives a lot of the questions I have about contemporary art practice. How do you negotiate ...
  • Campbell, Andrew Douglas (2017-06-28)
    Outlined here is a trajectory of research into the relationship between identity and narrative, with a particular focus on how that relationship subverts the boundary between mainstream and margin. Drawing on a Lacanian ...
  • Asahina, Lee (2017-06-22)
    My terminal project consists of paintings composed of flowers, hands, and scribbles along with various other shapes and marks that mine the personal, the cultural, and the historical. I make paintings in the spirit of ...
  • Wallace, Meril (2017-06-22)
    Here is where I first learned to love. To love the place that I am from. To love the harshness of the landscape and hot afternoon winds that rush between canyon walls. Where did this love come from? From time. Time spent ...
  • Hampton, Mandy; Keathley, Mandy (2017)
    To sculpt is to cloak empty space in material. Like a balloon containing air, my sculptures give shape to empty spaces, while simultaneously concealing them. The experience of making a sculpture is like hiking up a mountain; ...
  • Couch, Chelsea (2017)
    This paper explores the complexities of presenting an image of the body as well as a representation of the bodily event. Central to this inquiry is an examination of the subject/object relationship (the perception of self ...
  • Linn, Ronald (2017)
    I am of the practice of trying, often failing. My practice attempts to navigate the territories between dichotomies of text/image, image/object, meditation and direct experience, interior and exterior space. I am ...
  • $500 OBO 
    Joe, Moore (2017)
  • Morgan, Mary (2017)
  • Nachtigall, Stephen (2017-02-08)
    Lush green vegetation, cascading waterfalls and waving golden wheat 5ields; UV printed on vinyl adhesive, stuck to an electrical utility box, vending machine or underground subway advertisement. These cultural moments ...
  • Ise 
    Joshlin, Steven (2016)
    A few years ago I had a dream that I was riding a school bus. As it carried us across the countryside, we came upon an old bridge. As the bus went to cross, it went out of control and broke through the tenuous wooden ...
  • Mikenis, Sarah (2016)
    My work pretends to respond to the weight of the world like people do: forms bend, ostensibly pulled down by the weight of a tassel, canvas gets heavy and starts to sag, or objects buckle and fold, unable to stand upright ...
  • Widomski, Rachel (2016)
    Observation into daily life is foremost in Rachel Widomski’s practice. She seeks out and embraces the interruptions of time, by capturing and exhibiting often overlooked moments. Her work provides a suspension of experience, ...
  • Heinitz, Krista (2016)
    The work in my thesis exhibition acts as an installation of multiple sculptural works that engage each other in conversation through repetition of specific formal and conceptual elements. The concept of repetition is ...
  • Lopez, Daniel P. (2016)
    The weirdest part about being done with this report is that I can’t just tell people “Sorry, I’m working on my thesis right now.” It’s good to have it completed, but now I worry that I won’t have any good excuses for being ...
  • Anya, Dikareva (2016)
    Utilizing a feedback loop process which involves wearables, print and video, I condition spaces for shifting assumptions about sense and nonsense, creating portals of play, transformation, and reinvention of identity. ...
  • Krajkowski, Alex (University of Oregon, 2015)
    My practice involves surrendering control to a variety of generative processes as a way to create an image. By exposing gelatin silver paper to obscure chemical processes, or using simple machines to create photomechanical ...

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