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Master of Fine Arts Terminal Project Reports: Recent submissions

  • Roemen, Marshall (University of Oregon, 2005-06-11)
  • Stoll, Tyler (2022-06)
    This text focuses on the relationship between my thesis exhibition and a manifesto I have written, both of which are titled "the future is flaccid." The manifesto proposes “flaccidity” as a radical embodiment and tool to ...
  • Petkau, Hannah (2022)
    Drawing is a balancing act of reality and fiction. Line and form are markers, representative of space and experience, a record of things tangible and ephemeral. There is the capacity for a linear trajectory but it can be ...
  • Lichucki, Caroline (2022)
    My practice finds roots that extend towards the transient, the mundane, and the chthonic. I am informed by my training in traditional forms of drawing, painting, and sculpture. This foundation lays the framework for images ...
  • Langley, Erin (University of Oregon, 2022)
    n his 1984 essay collection The Responsibility of Forms Roland Barthes refutes the notion of a blank surface writing “No surface, wherever we consider it, is a virgin surface: everything is always, already, rough, ...
  • Herceg, Noelle (University of Oregon, 2022)
    In the cold-lit stale rooms of IDEAL LIVING, her food tray is brought up as close as it could be to her chair, and my grandpa sits behind it. He picks up the spoon and scoops up mush— brown mush, with a little bit of green ...
  • Cebere, Agnese (University of Oregon, 2022)
    My terminal creative project is concerned with spectatorship, freedom and control, the technologies of the grid and virtual reality, theatricality and performance. I investigate the tropes of the Western and the figure of ...
  • Buzzee, Dana (2022)
    Towards offering narrative and details on the research and thought which has evolved into my terminal creative project, Eternal Flux, this report takes the form of a collection of smaller verses through the methodology of ...
  • Amini, Sajad (University of Oregon, 2021)
    Examining subjectivity and its association with a relocated body in diasporic circumstances has become the core concept of my work as an artist. I attempt to justify my own Being and comprehend the reflection of it through ...
  • Vaughn, Jen (2019)
  • Parnes, Stephanie (2019)
  • Thompson, Kayla (2019)
  • Bjork, Aaron (2019)
    In the first century, Romans gathered in open-air marketplaces known now by the word bazaar, a variant of the Persian word bazar. As hubs for converging trade routes, these marketplaces served not only as sites for commerce, ...
  • Two Snake 
    Claybrook, Talon (2019)
  • Howell, Leah (2019)
    The intersection of the permanent and impermanent, the disposable and the pleasurable opens up a space for my work to live in. I seek to create a tension between the familiarity of objects, materiality and fragmentation. ...
  • Miller, Daniel (2019)
  • Khan, Sumer (2019)
    Exuberance to Disturbance is a selection of personal anecdotes, lists, and short stories, a verbal articulation to one way of working visually. The purpose of this research is to establish different ways of generating ideas ...
  • Moignard, Neal (2019)
    A description of the intellectual process and cultural influences of 11 artworks produced at the University of Oregon in 2019.
  • Hughes, Laura B. (University of Oregon, 2018)

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