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Master of Fine Arts Terminal Project Reports: Recent submissions

  • Vala, Jessie Rose (University of Oregon, 2015)
    My work involves ongoing research into historical and mythological narratives and ecological events that shape and change the world in unforeseeable ways. This unfolding exploration bleeds into my making, often in ...
  • Chen, Fei (University of Oregon, 2015)
    As a witness to the last two decades of China’s accelerating development and societal upheaval, I am specifically interested in the nation’s changes and social phenomena. I doubt myself to be a true Chinese person because ...
  • Siscoe, Brandon (University of Oregon, 2015)
    The work in my thesis exhibition exists as a sculpture of fragments. This work is a fluid definition of sculpture that understands itself not as a self-enclosed complete form, but as a flat ontology of object relationships ...
  • CHAFF 
    Oslovar, Andrew (University of Oregon, 2015)
    This document is the continuation of a process of making. It is not a description of that process, but exists actively within it. My current and continuing practice involves an investigation and exploration of multiplicity ...
  • Magratten, Anne (University of Oregon, 2015)
    The following report maps my work in relationship to the subject and experience of landscape and its connection to painting. It begins with my ruminations on landscape historically and the undiscussed yet problematic ...
  • Christy, Matt (University of Oregon, 2015)
    When I went to church with my family my mother would sit me down on the floor and I could look underneath the long row of pews and see all the peoples legs. My friends and I had different rules down there. We could draw ...
  • Tolles, John (University of Oregon, 2015)

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