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Comprehensive plans: Recent submissions

  • Waterloo (Or.) (City of Waterloo (Or.), 1979-11-07)
    The Waterloo comprehensive planning effort is essentially a three part endeavor. A series of background reports specific to the Waterloo area contain information, tables and maps relative to each of the applicable statewide ...
  • Unity (Or.) (City of Unity (Or.), 1979-12-04)
    A comprehensive plan is a document stating the general, long-range policies that will govern a local community's future development. These plans are required of each city and county by Oregon legislation. They must include ...
  • Florence (Or.) (City of Florence (Or.), 1979-12)
    It is the intent of this plan to: (1) establish a coordinated land use planning process and policy framework to guide land use decisions and related actions; (2) assure an adequate factual basis for those decisions and ...
  • Baker County (Or.); Haines (Or.) (City of Haines (Or.), 1979)
    A comprehensive plan is a document stating the general, long-range policies that will govern a local community's future development. These plans are required of each city and county by Oregon legislation. They must include ...
  • Athena (Or.) (City of Athena (Or.), 1979-03-12)
    The Plan constitutes a statement of policy addressing many aspects of community growth, the location of land uses, economic development and community facilities expansion being some of the more important subject areas. ...
  • Henderson, Larry D.; Creswell (Or.) (City of Creswell (Or.), 1975-03)
    this report has been divided into 4 main sections: {l} Part 1, an overview of the City's planning process - what has been done and what remains to be done; (2) Parts 2 through 9, in which the important issues facing ...
  • East Central Oregon Association of Counties; Ukiah (Or.) (City of Ukiah (Or.), 1979-02-14)
    The public's planning document consists of two parts. The first part is the adopted comprehensive plan. which contains the decisions about the uses of resources, and the provisions of services and facilities. The plan ...
  • Carlton (Or.). Dept. of Planning; Carlton (Or.) (City of Carlton (Or.), 1978-12-14)
    These goals and policies represent the basis of the City of Carlton's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. They provide the direction which the governing bodies of the community will follow in directing future growth within ...
  • Fairview (Or.) (City of Fairview (Or.), 1979-06)
    The Comprehensive Plan describes the city of Fairview's intentions for future development. The Plan indicates desired patterns of land use and traffic circulation and plans for the location and development of community ...
  • Yamhill County (Or.); Lafayette (Or.) (City of Lafayette (Or.), 1979-05)
    This Plan is divided into four sections. The first three sections present the goals and policies concerning Natural Resources, Community Resources and Community Development of Lafayette. The fourth section discusses ...
  • Rogue Valley Council of Governments; Phoenix (Or.) (City of Phoenix (Or.), 1983)
    Through this Comprehensive Plan, the City of Phoenix has established a number of goals and related policies that will help guide future land development in a manner that is in the best interests of the community as a ...
  • East Central Oregon Association of Counties; Echo (Or.); Markus, Henry S.; Umatilla County (Or.). Planning Dept. (City of Echo (Or.), 1979-03)
    The comprehensive plan is the public's conclusions about the development and conservation of the area, adopted by the appropriate City Councilor the County Commissioners, and agreed to by all affected governmental ...
  • Oregon City (Or.) (City of Oregon City (Or.), 1982-04-16)
    This is the Comprehensive Plan for Oregon city, Oregon, adopted under ORS 197.795 (State Senate Bill 100, The 1973 Oregon Land Use Act). [From the Plan]
  • Springfield (Or.); Eugene (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.); Lane County (Or.) (Lane Council of Governments (Or.), 2000-04-01)
    The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan is the official long-range general plan (public policy document) of metropolitan Lane County and the cities of Eugene and Springfield. Its policies and land use ...
  • Sherwood (Or.) (City of Sherwood (Or.), 1991-03-13)
    The purpose of the Sherwood Community Development Plan (Part 2 of the Comprehensive Plan) is to guide the physical growth and development of the Sherwood Planning Area consistent with City policy goals and State Goals ...
  • Madras (Or.); Jefferson County (Or.); Tenneson Engineering Corp. (City of Madras (Or.), 1979-06-17)
    The plan is divided into four basic elements. The first element, the Introduction, outlines the reasons for land use planning. the process by which it is done. and the Citizens' Involvement Program. The second element, ...
  • Manzanita (Or.) (City of Manzanita (Or.), 2006-09-18)
    The Comprehensive Plan is the most important land use document of the City of Manzanita. Its purpose is to establish goals, objectives and policies for the future of the community. The Comprehensive Plan has the force of ...
  • Gresham (Or.) (City of Gresham (Or.), 2007-10-16)
    Volume I, the "Findings" Document, consists of inventory data dealing with the natural, physical, social, and political environment of Gresham. Some of these inventory data are contained in appendices to Volume I. Volume ...
  • Yamhill County (Or.); Carlton (Or.) (City of Carlton (Or.), 1979-05)
    The material in this Planning Atlas is a synthesis of the information gathered and discussed during the development of the Carlton Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The goals and policies derived from this material are found ...
  • Yamhill County (Or.); Lafayette (Or.) (City of Lafayette (Or.), 1979-05)
    The material in this Planning Atlas is a synthesis of the information gathered and discussed during the development of the Lafayette Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The City's land use goals and policies, derived from this ...

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