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Browsing Comprehensive plans by Title


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  • Adair Village; Driscoll, Daniel B.; Architectural Associates (City of Adair Village (Or.), 2001)
    The Adair Village Comprehensive Plan 2001 contains background data, policies and recommendations relative to existing conditions, issues, problems and needs. This is the first update of the Plan since acknowledgment by the ...
  • Adams (Or.) (City of Adams (Or.), 1978-05-23)
    This Comprehensive Plan is intended to guide its future development in a manner that will insure the livability of the community, promote an orderly, efficient pattern of growth, and conserve the natural resources of ...
  • Adrian (Or.); Malheur County (Or.) (Malheur County (Or.), 1978-02)
    The policies outlined in the plan will be the guides for any change and development in the community and will serve as the base of any future city rules and ordinances. [From the Plan]
  • Albany (Or.); Albany (Or.). Community Development Dept. (City of Albany (Or.), 2004-08-11)
    PURPOSE The Albany Comprehensive Plan provides a framework for making better decisions about the uses of land and its resources. It is a guideline for both short- and long- term development. The Plan identifies existing ...
  • Amity (Or.) (City of Amity (Or.), 1979-05-07)
    This Plan is divided into four sections. The first three sections present the goals and policies concerning Natural Resources, Community Resources and Community Development of Amity. The fourth section discusses citizen ...
  • Amity (Or.) (City of Amity (Or.), 1979-05)
    The material in this Planning Atlas is a synthesis of the information gathered and discussed during the development of the Amity Comprehensive Land Use Plan.... Arranged to show how the statewide land use goals were ...
  • Antelope (Or.); Mid-Columbia Economic Development District (City of Antelope (Or.), 1978-05)
    This comprehensive plan was developed for the City of Antelope to serve as the guiding document for all future land use decision. It is designed to do several things: to insure the future livability, so that Antelope ...
  • Rowe, J. David; Arlington (Or.) (City of Arlington (Or.), 1979-04)
    It is a very simple and basic plan that will enable the city to adequately manage any growth in the near future. [From the included LCDC letter of acknowledgment]
  • Ashland (Or.); Ashland (Or.). Dept. of Community Development (City of Ashland (Or.), 2004)
    Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan is the guiding document for all development within the City of Ashland. The Plan incorporates ten specific elements related to development including: citizen participation, ...
  • Athena (Or.) (City of Athena (Or.), 1979-03-12)
    The Plan constitutes a statement of policy addressing many aspects of community growth, the location of land uses, economic development and community facilities expansion being some of the more important subject areas. ...
  • Aumsville (Or.); Mid Willamette Valley Council of Governments (City of Aumsville (Or.), 1977-11)
    The plan describes goals, objectives, and policies of Aumsville's residents and elected and appointed officials with respect to guiding decision-making for future development. [From the Plan]
  • Aumsville (Or.) (City of Aumsville (Or.), 1986-06-14)
    The Comprehensive Plan sets forth goals, objectives and policies and makes recommendations to guide the future physical development of the community. [From the Plan]
  • Aurora (Or.) (City of Aurora (Or.), 2002-01-08)
    In maintaining their link to the past, Aurorans look to leveraging it into continuing growth and prosperity in the future. For this reason the City has embarked upon a comprehensive land use planning process designed to: ...
  • Baker (Or.) (City of Baker (Or.), 1978-12)
    This is the City of Baker's Comprehensive Plan, replacing an earlier plan adopted in 1966. The basic purpose of this plan is to establish cohesive policies for managing existing resources and guiding the future development ...
  • Bandon (Or.); Bandon (Or.). Planning Dept. (City of Bandon (Or.), 2002)
    The following documents are the completed chapters of the comprehensive plan periodic review. CHAPTER INDEX; CHAPTER 1 - - - - CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT; CHAPTER 3 - SECTION 1 - - - SCENIC RESOURCES; CHAPTER 8 - - - - ...
  • Bandon (Or.) (City of Bandon (Or.), 1974-07)
    The Bandon 1990 Comprehensive Plan is a long-range plan to aid the orderly future growth and development of the Bandon area with respect to land use, public facilities (including traffic circulation) and housing. The ...
  • Gonzalez, J. Stefan; Barlow (Or.); Gonzalez, Kristina (City of Barlow (Or.), 1978-10-29)
    The Barlow Comprehensive Plan is divided into three sections: (1) Background information, including inventories identifying problems, policy alternatives, and findings of fact; (2) Policies and Methods of Implementation ...
  • Bay City (Or.) (City of Bay City (Or.), 1997)
    It is the purpose of the Comprehensive Plan to provide the City with a guide to future growth in accordance with the desires of the citizens of the town. A Comprehensive Plan is "a generalized, coordinated land use map and ...
  • Beaverton (Or.); Beaverton (Or.). Community Development Dept. (City of Beaverton (Or.), 2004)
    The Comprehensive Plan is the official long-range land use policy document for the City of Beaverton. It provides a framework for the decision making process and is a means of directing community efforts towards sound ...
  • Beaverton (Or.); DKS Associates (City of Beaverton (Or.), 2007-01-05)
    The Comprehensive Plan is the official long-range land use policy document for the City of Beaverton. It provides a framework for the decision making process and is a means of directing community efforts towards sound ...

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