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Comprehensive plans: Recent submissions

  • Amundson Associates; Westfir (Or.) (City of Westfir (Or.), 1980-05)
    The Comprehensive Plan for Westfir, Oregon outlines a comprehensive program of action for guiding the future direction of the City and its environs. The Plan is the basis for inter-relating public and private decisions ...
  • Mid Willamette Valley Council of Governments; Sublimity (Or.) (City of Sublimity (Or.), 1979-06-11)
    This document should be considered an official statement of the City of Sublimity. The Comprehensive Plan sets forth goals and policies and makes recommendations to guide the future physical development of the community. ...
  • Yamhill County (Or.). Planning Dept.; Sheridan (Or.) (1979-05)
    The material in this Planning Atlas is a synthesis of the information gathered and discussed during the development of the Sheridan Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The goals and policies derived from this material are found ...
  • Lane Council of Governments (Or.); Junction City (Or.) (Lane Council of Governments, 1973-11-13)
    [T]he Comprehensive Development Plan for the City of Junction City, Oregon, was submitted to public hearing and was adopted by the City Council of Junction City sitting in regular council session November 13, 1973, ...
  • Lane Council of Governments (Or.); Lane County (Or.); Springfield (Or.); Eugene (Or.) (Lane Council of Governments, 1982-11)
    This Plan establishes the broad policy direction for land use in Oregon's second largest metropolitan area. The Plan balances our need to accommodate new population and employment by identifying land for future ...
  • Eugene (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.); Springfield (Or.) (Lane Council of Governments, 1976-04)
    [T]he General Plan, which is long-range, comprehensive and focused on physical development, provides a flexible guide for specific developmental decision making. It does not, in itself, set down the decisions. [From the Plan]
  • Durham (Or.) (City of Durham (Or.), 1979-07-25)
    The provisions of this Code shall be deemed the minimum requirements for the preservation of the public safety, health, and welfare of the people of the City of Durham, Oregon. [From the document]
  • Danielson Architects; Dunes City (Or.) (City of Dunes City (Or.), 1979-05-09)
    This Comprehensive Plan is a general plan for the logical and orderly development of Dunes City over the years. [From the Plan]
  • Jackson County (Or.). Planning Dept.; Rogue Valley Council of Governments; Weaver, Curtis D.; Central Point (Or.) (City of Central Point (Or.), 1973-06-26)
    Plan document contains four elements; Land Use, Housing, Transportation and Community Facilities. The Goals and Policies element is interwoven within each of the above elements. The first three chapters contain background ...
  • Canyonville (Or.) (City of Canyonville (Or.), 1973-06)
    The plan describes the intentions of the City of Canyonville's elected and appointed Officials with respect to future development. The plan is organized in ten sections: history; study area; topography and soils; ...
  • Gonzalez, J. Stefan; Barlow (Or.); Gonzalez, Kristina (City of Barlow (Or.), 1978-10-29)
    The Barlow Comprehensive Plan is divided into three sections: (1) Background information, including inventories identifying problems, policy alternatives, and findings of fact; (2) Policies and Methods of Implementation ...
  • Toledo (Or.). Community Development Dept.; Toledo (Or.) (City of Toledo (Or.), 2001-04-04)
    The Toledo Comprehensive Plan provides a framework for making better decisions regarding the use of land and community resources. The plan is a means of controlling the urban environment, conserving Toledo's existing ...
  • Lynn D. Steiger & Associates; Long Creek (Or.) (City of Long Creek (Or.), 1985-06-10)
    The overall purpose of the Plan is to attempt to describe a pathway into the future. [From the Plan]
  • Tangent (Or.) (City of Tangent (Or.), 2007-11)
    The Comprehensive Plan for the City of Tangent (the City) is the primary document which guides and controls land use within the City limits and the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). The Plan is intended to reflect the community's ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1985-11-27)
    The following ... pages contain the recommendations of the Planning Commission as amended and adopted by the City Council. The recommendations are of four types: land use and administrative policies for the study area; a ...
  • Salem (Or.) (City of Salem (Or.), 2005-01)
    The Salem Area Comprehensive Plan is a long-range plan for guiding development in the Salem urban area and its relationship with Salem/Keizer urban area for the next 20 years. The goal of the Plan is to accommodate ...
  • Rowe, J. David; Arlington (Or.) (City of Arlington (Or.), 1979-04)
    It is a very simple and basic plan that will enable the city to adequately manage any growth in the near future. [From the included LCDC letter of acknowledgment]
  • Wallowa (Or.) (City of Wallowa (Or.), 1983-04-26)
    This Land Use Plan is a public document prepared by the City Council with assistance and input from community residents. It provides long-range guidelines for decision-making with regard to land use suitability, development ...
  • Newberg (Or.) (City of Newberg (Or.), 2007-02-20)
    This Plan is intended to guide the growing land use needs of the City until the year 2010. As required by State Senate Bill 100, the Plan addresses and is consistent with established statewide goals and guidelines. At ...
  • Tenneson Engineering Corp.; Madras (Or.) (City of Madras (Or.), 2003-12-12)
    The plan is divided into four basic elements. The first element, the Introduction, outlines the reasons for land use planning, the process by which it is done, and the Citizen's Involvement Program. The second element, ...

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