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Browsing High Performance Envelopes: Architecture 410/510 by Issue Date


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  • Riegelnegg, Craig (2010)
    Hands-on practice of applying theories of high-performance building envelopes in step with sustainability.
  • Coyle, Megan (2010)
    Hands-on practice of applying theories of high-performance building envelopes in step with sustainability.
  • Sosebee, Geoff (2010)
    HPE window details; Five High Performing Details; and UA analysis
  • Cassel, Roussa (2010)
    Hands-on practice of applying theories of high-performance building envelopes in step with sustainability.
  • Hutton, John (2010)
    Hands-on practice of applying theories of high-performance building envelopes in step with sustainability.
  • Wilson, Richard H. (University of Oregon, 2014-03-15)
    The well-known 5-year fire of 1982 ravaged this now desecrated neighborhood of North CityTown. This project intends to preserve the only remaining wall from a children's hospital that once occupied this street block. Thanks ...

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