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High Performance Envelopes: Architecture 410/510


This Scholars' Bank collection contains assignments by students in the course High Performance Envelopes: Architecture 410/510 at the University of Oregon School of Architecture, Portland, Oregon. This technical course offers hands-on practice in applying lectures related to high performance envelopes that are in step with the pursuit of sustainability. There is not a more important topic related to the built environment today than the durability and performance of buildings (both existing and new). The largest factor in this topic is the envelope. Class assignments demonstrate an understanding of the advanced tools and factors that form a High Performance Envelope.

Recent Submissions

  • Wilson, Richard H. (University of Oregon, 2014-03-15)
    The well-known 5-year fire of 1982 ravaged this now desecrated neighborhood of North CityTown. This project intends to preserve the only remaining wall from a children's hospital that once occupied this street block. Thanks ...
  • Hutton, John (2010)
    Hands-on practice of applying theories of high-performance building envelopes in step with sustainability.
  • Cassel, Roussa (2010)
    Hands-on practice of applying theories of high-performance building envelopes in step with sustainability.
  • Coyle, Megan (2010)
    Hands-on practice of applying theories of high-performance building envelopes in step with sustainability.
  • Sosebee, Geoff (2010)
    HPE window details; Five High Performing Details; and UA analysis
  • Riegelnegg, Craig (2010)
    Hands-on practice of applying theories of high-performance building envelopes in step with sustainability.