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Browsing Strategic plans (regions) by Title


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  • Mid-Columbia Economic Development District; Klickitat County (Wash.); Skamania County (Wash.); Hood River County (Or.); Wasco County (Or.); Sherman County (Or.) (Mid-Columbia Economic Development District, 2008-06)
    Vision: "To create a diversified economy that enhances the opportunity for employment for citizens of the region and increases the tax base for the counties and cities by working together in leadership, planning, and ...
  • Metro (Or.); Yee, Dennis (Metro (Or.), 1999-04-06)
    [T]he Employment Density Study: update[s] and determine[s] current job density parameters; provide[s] current observed findings of FARs and building densities which could be used to populate ZELDA; offer[s] a basis or ...
  • Metro (Or.) (Metro (Or.), 2002-09)
    The basis for future land need and demand is derived from a regional forecast of employment and household change. The regional forecast is, in part, the supporting evidence for Metro's UGB decision which is due to be ...
  • Metro (Or.); Nelson, Arthur C. (Metro (Or.), 2008-10-08)
    Challenge Ahead: business-as-usual rooted in the past; different realities: demographic, housing preference, increasing demand for "urbanity" especially in suburbs; energy constraints; global shifts in financial ...
  • Metro (Or.); Yee, Dennis (Metro (Or.), 1998-05)
    This paper describes Metro’s regional model and presents the empirical estimates and some results from our study. It is shown that the Metro model contains reasonable parameter estimates and produces forecast estimates ...
  • Metro (Or.) (Metro (Or.), 2005-11-17)
    The 2040 Growth Concept reflects the things the people who live here value most: access to nature; protecting habitats for wildlife and people; safe and stable neighborhoods; transportation choices; resources for ...
  • Mid-Columbia Economic Development District (Mid-Columbia Economic Development District, 2009-06)
    MCEDD looks to build more relationships with entrepreneurs in the region; to take advantage of the businesses already present in the region and work with them to improve their ability to prosper here. After severe ...
  • Northwest Oregon Regional Partnership; Columbia-Pacific Economic Development District of Oregon; Northwest Oregon Economic Alliance; Northwest Oregon Area Commission on Transportation; Northwest Oregon Workforce Investment (Clackamas County (Or.), 2005-07-08)
    This document is intended to serve as the Comprehensive Economics Development Strategy (or CEDS) that is a required element of the federal Economic Development Administration regional economic development program. It also ...
  • Port of Portland (Or.); Port of Vancouver (Wa.); Oregon. Dept. of Transportation; Portland Development Commission; Metro (Or.) (Port of Portland (Or.), 2006-09-26)
    Purpose: determine the impact of increased international and domestic trade on the region's supply of and demand for trade support infrastructure (i.e., surface transportation and industrial land). Provide regional ...
  • Davis & Hibbitts, Inc.; Portland General Electric; Commercial Real Estate Economic Coalition; Columbia River Economic Development Council; Portland Development Commission; Oregon. Dept. of Economic Development; Port of Portland (Or.) (Port of Portland (Or.), 1998-07-15)
    Davis & Hibbitts, Inc. (DHI) is pleased to present a summary of key points based on focus group research conducted for a consortium of organizations working on a regional industrial lands strategy. The purpose of the ...
  • Port of Portland (Or.) (Port of Portland (Or.), 2007)
    This strategic plan seeks to focus the Port’s energies on five strategic objectives. It explains the context in which the Port will operate during the next three to five years and the strategies that the Port will employ ...
  • Port of Portland (Or.); Martin Associates (Port of Portland (Or.), 2003-10-23)
    In addition to the quantification of the economic impacts and the linkages to the local economic sectors, the scope of analysis also includes a narrative of the distribution industry serving the Portland region, as well ...
  • Martin Associates; Port of Portland (Or.) (Port of Portland (Or.), 2007-01-31)
    Economic activity due to the movement of marine cargo, air passengers and cargo and real estate activity at the Port’s industrial and business parks contributes to the local and regional economy by providing employment ...
  • Port of Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland Development Commission (Port of Portland (Or.), 2006-12)
    The Working Harbor Reinvestment Strategy will be a 10-year program of coordinated public investments by the City of Portland, Portland Development Commission (PDC), and Port of Portland in the economic vitality of the ...

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