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Browsing Coos Bay District by Issue Date


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  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Region 1; United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District; Siuslaw National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2002-01)
    Proposes to protect the federally and state threatened snowy plover in Oregon from predation while measures to protect and restore habitat are ongoing. Includes expanding assessment efforts to all plover breeding and nesting ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2006-08-22)
    Announces decision to implement regeneration harvest of approximately 189 acres, a commercial thinning of about 906 acres, construction of 1.9 miles of new road, renovation or improvement of 11.5 miles of road, and ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2006-12-27)
    Announces decision implementing commercial thinning (CT) treatments on 173 acres and Density Management (DM) thinning on 84 acres, all less than 50 years of age. In addition, it would construct 1.5 miles of new road, ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2007-03-21)
    Announces decision implementing harvest treatments on 568 acres of conifer stands and 52 acres of hardwood stands, as well as constructing 1.1 miles of new road, renovating 24.4 miles of existing roads, improving .2 miles ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2007-03-22)
    Announces decision implementing density management thinning harvests on 178 acres of conifer-dominated EA units and 126 acres of hardwood conversion, including removal of all red alder and thinning of existing conifers, ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2007-04-13)
    Announces decision implementing thinning approximately 2,230 acres of young conifer stands in the Matrix and Riparian Reserve land use allocations, restoring approximately 73 acres of alder-dominated stands to mixed ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2007-04-24)
    Announces decision implementing project creating down wood by falling trees and snags by topping trees with chainsaws on the Paradise Creek drainage in the Middle Umpqua Watershed. Treated trees will be grouped to create ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2007-07-13)
    Announces implementation of project commercially thinning 219 acres and density management thinning on 77 acres, on trees less than 80 years. Also includes construction of one mile of new road, renovation of 9.9 miles of ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2007-09-25)
    Announces decision to implement density management thinning within Late-Successional and Riparian Reserves on 65 acres on trees less than 80 years, and renovate .5 mile of road.
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2007-10-22)
    Announces decision to implement project thinning approximately 2230 acres of young conifer stands in the Matrix and Riparian Reserve land use allocations, restoring approximately 73 acres of alder-dominated stands to mixed ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2007-11-19)
    Announces decision to thin approximately 1985 acres of conifer and to convert approximately 264 acres of red alder to conifer in 35-65 year old stands within the Middle Creek subwatershed in Coos County.
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2008-02-01)
    EA proposes to manage tree densities on about 9041 acres, convert about 167 acres of alder, construct 21.77 miles of new road, renovate or improve 143.11 miles of road, decommission 34.56 miles of road, and create 7096 ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District; Titan Maritime, LLC; HDR Engineering (2008-03)
    Proposes that BLM grant temporary right-of-way on BLM-administered lands on the North Spit of Coos Bay to Titan.Titan proposes to provide shoreline access to the New Carissa wreck removal operation by establishing a ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2008-04-04)
    EA proposes to manage tree densities on about 490 acres and construct 3.3 miles of new road, renovate or improve 22 miles of road, decommission 10.6 miles of road, and create snags and downed. FONSI approves project for ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2008-05-16)
    EA proposes to thin 1400 acres of 30-70 year old forest stands consisting primarily of conifer plantations within the Matrix and Riparian Reserves land-use allocations in the Fifth Field Watershed of the Middle Fork of the ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2008-05-28)
    Announces decision to thin approximately 8796 acres of conifer forest and to convert about 167 acres of red alder to conifer in 31-80 year old stands within the Umpqua River-Sawyer Rapids Fifth Field Watershed.
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2008-06-25)
    Announces decision to implement project thinning approximately 1985 acres of conifer and converting some 264 acres of red alder to conifer in 35-65 year old stands within the Middle Creek subwatershed. Also includes new ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2008-07-21)
    FONSI excludes EIS and Decision Record implements project allowing use of BLM land for an overnight staging area for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to analyze the environmental effects of an interim repair of the Coos Bay ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2008-07-21)
    Announces decision implementing density management thinning harvests on 302 acres of conifer-dominated EA units and 62 acres of hardwood conversion, including removal of all red alder and thinning of existing conifers, on ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2008-07-21)
    Announces implementation of density management thinning harvests totalling 302 acres on 9 conifer-dominated EA units, and 62 acres of hardwood conversion, including removal of all red alder and thinning of existing conifers ...

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