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Browsing Burns District by Title


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  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District (2005-08)
    Resource management plan provides an overview of goals, objectives, and needs associated with public land management, and resolves multiple-use conflicts or issues that drive the preparation of the document. Identifies 17 ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Andrews Resource Area (2007-05)
    Proposes to increase diversity and vigor of upland plant species, especially maintaining an upward trend in Wyoming big sagebrush/bluebunch wheatgrass, by implementing partial removal of livestock. Includes changing the ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Andrews Resource Area (2007-05-09)
    Announces decision to implement the proposed action, increasing the diversity and vigor of upland plant species, especially maintaining an upward trend in Wyoming big sagebrush/bluebunch wheatgrass, by implementing partial ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2008-06-25)
    Announces decision to implement project thinning approximately 1985 acres of conifer and converting some 264 acres of red alder to conifer in 35-65 year old stands within the Middle Creek subwatershed. Also includes new ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District (2006-09-25)
    Announces decision to implement project without further environmental analysis, removing 147 MBF of fire-killed trees and planting 20,000 ponderosa seedlings. Includes reducing fuel loading, salvaging merchantable timber, ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2007-03-22)
    Announces decision implementing density management thinning harvests on 178 acres of conifer-dominated EA units and 126 acres of hardwood conversion, including removal of all red alder and thinning of existing conifers, ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2008-07-21)
    Announces decision implementing density management thinning harvests on 302 acres of conifer-dominated EA units and 62 acres of hardwood conversion, including removal of all red alder and thinning of existing conifers, on ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2008-08-18)
    Announces decision implementing commercial thinning on 436 acres, creating 163 snags and felling 109 trees for coarse woody debris, and constructing 2.91 miles of new road while decommissioning 1.86 miles.
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District (2007-07-17)
    Announces decision to exclude EIS for project taking action against western juniper encroachment, which has caused a reduction in the density, patch size, and health and vigor of sagebrush-bunchgrass communities, aspen ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District (2008-07-15)
    Analyzes whether or not and under what terms and conditions to issue a ROW to a private landowner for access to private inholdings within the CMPA including Lower Stonehouse WSA. The applicant is requesting an ROW in order ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District; United States. Bureau of Land Management. Three Rivers Resource Area (2006-09-20)
    Proposes to extend the permitted season of grazing from April 1-October 15 to March 1-October 15, and to implement three resource objectives. Includes maintaining all seeded areas in stable to upward trend in condition ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District (2007-01-19)
    Announces decision implementing proposed action, extending the permitted season of grazing from April 1-October 15 to March 1-October 15, and to implement three resource objectives. Includes maintaining all seeded areas ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District (2007-03)
    Proposes to utilize various methods of prescribed fire and mechanical treatments to control the spread of western juniper into four dominant vegetative community treatments: low/stiff sagebrush flats, mountain big ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Three Rivers Resource Area; United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District (2007-04-06)
    Announces decision to implement proposal utilizing various methods of prescribed fire and mechanical treatments to control the spread of western juniper into four dominant vegetative community treatments: low/stiff sagebrush ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2008-08-20)
    Announces decision to implement project managing tree densities on about 490 acres and constructing 3.3 miles of new road, renovating or improving 22 miles of road, decommissioning 10.6 miles of road, and creating snags ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District (2007-10-22)
    Announces decision to implement project thinning approximately 2230 acres of young conifer stands in the Matrix and Riparian Reserve land use allocations, restoring approximately 73 acres of alder-dominated stands to mixed ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District (2008-07)
    Proposes to reduce hazardous fuels, restore plant communities, and improve wildlife habitat diversity by utilizing various methods of prescribed fire and mechanical treatments. Includes closing or moving a .75 mile stretch ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District (2008-06)
    Proposes to provide owner of private land with reasonable access to conduct livestock grazing on private land inholdings within Steens Mountain Wilderness. One day travel each direction to and from the Fish Creek Parcel ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District (2008-07-30)
    Announces decision to implement proposed action allowing a landowner request for access to conduct livestock grazing on private land inholdings within Steens Mountain Wilderness. Harney County designated these private lands ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District (2006-10-16)
    Proposes to implement an ecological restoration project to manage encroaching juniper on both public and private lands by utilizing prescribed fire and mechanical treatments. Includes reintroducing fire to restore and/or ...

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