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Browsing Deschutes and Ochoco National Forests by Title


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  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2004-06)
    Describes the effects of implementing 3 alternatives for the recovery of Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District lands that burned 3810 acres in the 18 Fire of 2003. Seeks to recover commercial value, expedite the establishment ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2004-10)
    Describes the effects of implementing 3 alternatives for the recovery of Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District lands that burned 3810 acres in the 18 Fire of 2003. Seeks to recover commercial value, expedite the establishment and ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2004-11)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of project FEIS, regarding Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District Fire 18 that burned 3810 acres in 2003. Seeks to recover commercial value, expedite the establishment and restoration ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2006-02-17)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of the project EA, providing for an economic and affordable means of controlling competing vegetation so that planted ponderosa pine seedlings can become established after the ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2006-02)
    Proposes to provide for an economical and affordable means of controlling competing vegetation so that planted ponderosa pine seedlings can become established after the deforestation caused by the 18-Fire. Includes carrying ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2005-12)
    Proposes to provide for an economical and affordable means of controlling competing competition so that planted ponderosa pine seedlings can become established after the deforestation caused by the 18-Fire. Includes carrying ...
  • Crescent Ranger District (Or.) (2006-01-11)
    Announces decision to categorically exclude and proceed with project thinning small trees on approximately 151 acres in 7 units to relieve overcrowding. Includes thinning 15-20 year-old trees not larger than 7 inches in ...
  • Crescent Ranger District (Or.) (2007)
    Announces decision to categorically exclude and proceed with project to enhance the meadow through cutting and girdling encroaching lodgepole pine into the meadow, and prescribed burning. Includes cutting trees 15-25 ...
  • Crescent Ranger District (Or.) (2007-12-13)
    Announces decision to categorically exclude and proceed with project implementing a riparian meadow/hydrologic function restoration project on 100 acres of Spruce Creek and an adjacent stringer meadow. Includes thinning ...
  • Crescent Ranger District (Or.) (2007-09-12)
    Announces decision to categorically exclude and proceed with project implementing a riparian meadow/hydrologic function restoration project in Spruce Creek and an adjoining stringer meadow. Includes thinning select lodgepole ...
  • Crescent Ranger District (Or.) (2008-04-28)
    Announces decision to categorically exclude and proceed with project thinning small trees on approximately 2590 acres in 89 units to increase the growth and health of overcrowded stands not likely of commercial value. ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2005)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 3 of project EA, improving and protecting deer winter range by reducing the risk of insect outbreaks, the spread of disease pathogens and high intensity wildfire that could further ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2004-04)
    Proposes to improve and protect deer winter range by reducing the risk of insect outbreaks, the spread of disease pathogens and high intensity wildfire that could further jeopardize critical deer habitat, which presently ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2005-03)
    Proposes to improve and protect deer winter range by reducing the risk of insect outbreaks, the spread of disease pathogens and high intensity wildfire that could further jeopardize critical deer habitat, which is lacking ...
  • Sisters Ranger District (Or.) (2005-03)
    Proposes to harvest fire-killed and damaged trees, reduce fuels, plant trees, remove trees that are hazardous to public safety, and reduce unneeded roads. Includes salvage harvesting on 6803 acres, removal or cutting of ...
  • Sisters Ranger District (Or.) (2005-06-30)
    Proposes to harvest fire-killed and damaged trees, reduce fuels, plant trees, remove trees that are hazardous to public safety, and reduce unneeded roads. Includes salvage harvest, fuels reduction and reforestation on ...
  • Sisters Ranger District (Or.) (2005-08-02)
    Announces decision implementing Alternative 2 of project FEIS, harvesting fire-killed and damaged trees, reducing fuels, planting trees, removing trees that are hazardous to public safety, and reducing unneeded roads. ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2002-06)
    Proposes to replace the existing culvert that obstructs fish passage with an aluminum box culvert with a natural bottom substrate. The fill removed would be used to close Forest Road 22-800, and a bypass road 128 feet long ...
  • Crescent Ranger District (Or.) (2000-02-28)
    Announces decision to include further vegetation management activities with those of Alternative 3 of September 1998. Includes understory thinning of 2762 acres, prescribe burning of 904 acres of fire-tolerant stands to ...
  • Crescent Ranger District (Or.) (1998-09-30)
    Announces decision to implement modified version of Alternative 3 of project EA, understory thinning 5570 acres, harvesting 2.1 MMBF of salvage and 12.4 MMBF, and construction/reconstruction of 10.2 miles of road.

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