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Browsing Watershed Analysis Reports by Issue Date


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  • Deschutes National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (1994)
    Provides analysis focusing on the three basic domains (physical, biological, and social) and the four key issues of the watershed: viability of indigenous fish, recreational use, soil quality, and vegetative structure. ...
  • Deschutes National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (1995-04)
    Provides overview of watershed; identifies issues, key trends, causes, and resources at risk; and lists goals and opportunities by domain.
  • Deschutes National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (1995-10-05)
    Analysis provides current and future trends of the watershed as compared to historic conditions, past uses such as recreation, timber harvest, and range or grazing practices, and past disturbance events such as wildfire, ...
  • Deschutes National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (1997-06)
    Provides analysis to develop conceptual strategies to sustain viable ecosystems, divided into three domains: physical, biological, and social. Includes background information, existing conditions, trends and analysis, ...
  • Sisters Ranger District (Or.) (1998)
    Provides analysis focusing on the three basic domains (physical, biological, and social), while following the federally-mandated six-step analysis process. This includes watershed characterization, issues and key questions, ...
  • Deschutes National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (1998-09-30)
    Provides characterization and maps of watershed, issues and key questions, historic and current conditions, trend and interpretation, and management recommendations.
  • Umatilla National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (1999-07-02)
    Upland analysis identifies ecological processes of greatest concern, establishes how well these processes are functioning, and then determines the conditions or circumstances under which restoration and other management ...
  • Crescent Ranger District (Or.) (1999-10)
    Provides analysis focusing on the three basic domains (physical, biological, and social), while noting changes relating to wildlife species in the five years since the pilot analysis. These include the proposed listing of ...
  • Umatilla National Forest (Agency : U.S.); Powell, David C. (2001-04)
    Ecosystem analysis finds the watersheds are a critical source of relatively cool water for the entire Umatilla Subbasin, the Umatilla River and Meacham Creek provide some areas of relatively high quality conditions for ...
  • Walla Walla Ranger District (Wash.) (2001-10)
    Vegetation analysis considers various treatment recommendations, including salvage of dead trees, planting, thinning, improvement cutting in stands where the early-seral species still exist, forest regeneration on dry-forest ...
  • Waldport Ranger District (Or.) (2001-10)
    As required by the Northwest Forest Plan, the analysis discusses the ecological processes at work in the watershed, and focuses on older forests and coho salmon. Includes issues, findings, recommendations, and organizations ...
  • Pomeroy Ranger District (Or. and Wash.) (2002-08)
    Provides analysis of Umatilla National Forest lands within the watershed, characterizing the historic and current biotic and abiotic conditions. Findings include a declining vegetation diversity, 55% of the upland forest ...
  • Blue Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2003-01-03)
    Provides a mid-scale review of 7 subwatersheds in the Middle Fork of the John Day River in supplement to Ecosystem Analysis at the Watershed Scale--Galena Watershed Analysis (1999). Describes the five alternatives of ...
  • Blue Mountain Ranger District (Or.); David Evans and Associates; Duck Creek Associates (2003-06-20)
    Characterizes ecological and physical processes at multiple spatial scales by systematically uncovering the interactions of biological, physical, and human processes that have created current conditions. Identifies key ...
  • Sisters Ranger District (Or.) (2004-08)
    Updates 1996 analysis, and serves to support changed condition analysis for the Metolius Basin Forest Management Project in a watershed that was partially burned, and identifies recommendations for future management ...
  • Heppner Ranger District (Or.); North Fork John Day Ranger District (Or.) (2004-12)
    Provides analysis of historic and current physical and biological conditions of the watershed. Hydrology concerns include maintaining and improving adequate water supplies, maintaining and restoring water quality, and ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2005-10)
    Updates two earlier analyses: Cascade Lakes (1995) and Browns/Wickiup (1997). Focuses on the three basic domains (physical, biological, and social), while following the federally-mandated six-step analysis process: watershed ...

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