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Browsing Siuslaw National Forest by Title


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  • Waldport Ranger District (Or.) (2001-10)
    As required by the Northwest Forest Plan, the analysis discusses the ecological processes at work in the watershed, and focuses on older forests and coho salmon. Includes issues, findings, recommendations, and organizations ...
  • Siuslaw National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2007-05-18)
    Proposes to allow commercial special forest product collection, regulate collection, and provide for sustainability of these products while protecting the environment. Action would determine which products may be gathered, ...
  • Hebo Ranger District (Agency : U.S.) (2006-11-13)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of the project EA (with the exception of Unit 8), to thin commercially 347 acres of young managed conifer stands in the vicinity of Deadwood Mountain and Pea Ridge, to realign ...
  • Hebo Ranger District (Agency : U.S.) (2006-04)
    Proposes to improve watershed and habitat for aquatic and terrestrial species by thinning commercially 347 acres of young managed conifer stands in the vicinity of Deadwood Mountain and Pea Ridge, and to realign and ...
  • South Zone Ranger District (Or.) (2005)
    Announces decision to restore terrestrial and aquatic habitat in the Lower Drift Creek area by: restoring tidal flows by breaching levees and recreating stream channels; reducing the effects of past land reclamation projects ...
  • South Zone Ranger District (Or.) (2005-09)
    Proposes to eradicate giant knotweed (polygonum sachalinense), an invasive plant and noxious weed, by injecting the herbicide glyphosphate into individual plant stems.
  • South Zone Ranger District (Or.) (2005-09)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 3 of the project EA, eradicating the colonies of giant knotweed by injecting stems of individual plants with glyphosate.
  • Hebo Ranger District (Agency : U.S.) (2005-09-14)
    Announces decision to implement Article 2 of the project EA, decommissioning about 6 miles of non-key Forest roads and constructing a parking area for about 3 vehicles near the north entrance of the Drift Key Bridge, as ...
  • Hebo Ranger District (Agency : U.S.) (2005)
    Proposes to decommission about 6 miles of non-key Forest roads and construct a small parking area for about three vehicles near the north entrance of the Drift Creek Bridge, as current budget allocations do not provide ...
  • Mapleton Ranger District (Or.) (2007-05-21)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative E (no grazing) of the project EA, using stream restoration techniques to improve coho salmon habitat by removing dikes, adding large woody debris structures to the stream channel, ...
  • Waldport Ranger District (Or.) (2002-04-11)
    Proposes to restore terrestrial and aquatic habitats in the Five Rivers watershed, including designating 12 management study areas as part of a learning design; commercial thinning older plantations; reopening some temporary ...
  • South Zone Ranger District (Or.) (2003-05)
    Announces decision to implement all the terrestrial and aquatic restoration actions described under Alternative 1 of the project FEIS that are connected with commercial thinning and associated actions.
  • Hebo Ranger District (Agency : U.S.) (2004-02-10)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 3 (private land access) of the project EA, commercially thinning 854 acres in 30 to 45 year-old managed conifer stands, thinning 100 acres in riparian areas occupied by young, ...
  • Hebo Ranger District (Agency : U.S.) (2004-02)
    Proposes to improve watershed conditions and habitat for aquatic and terrestrial species by commercially thinning 854 acres in 30 to 45 year-old managed conifer stands, thinning 100 acres in riparian areas occupied by ...
  • Siuslaw National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-09-19)
    Announces decision to enhance the development of late successional habitat and improve habitat diversity by: 1. Commercially thinning about 66 acres of stand 507089; 2. Creating stand diversity by applying a mixture of ...
  • South Zone Ranger District (Or.) (2005-06)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of project EA, enhancing the watershed function and recovery of cold-water species such as coho salmon by placing up to 410 large conifer trees up to 36 inches in diameter at ...
  • South Zone Ranger District (Or.) (2005)
    Proposes to enhance the watershed function and recovery of cold-water species such as coho salmon by placing up to 410 large conifer trees up to 36 inches in diameter at breast height in streams throughout six sub-watersheds ...
  • South Zone Ranger District (Or.) (2005)
    Proposes to enhance the watershed function and recovery of cold-water species such as coho salmon by placing up to 410 large conifer trees up to 36 inches in diameter at breast height in streams throughout six sub-watersheds ...
  • South Zone Ranger District (Or.) (2002)
    Proposes to restore natural hydrology, sediment regime and wetland conditions by reconstructing the historical meandering channel, adding large wood, decommissioning an adjacent road, and planting riparian trees and shrubs.
  • Hebo Ranger District (Agency : U.S.) (2007-05)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of the project EA, to thin commercially 2,638 acres of 30 to 63 year-old young managed conifer stands, as well as approximately 210 acres of 90 to 95 year-old off-site Douglas ...

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