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Forest Service: Recent submissions

  • Paulina Ranger District (Or.) (2007-06-08)
    Announces decision implementing Alternative 2 of the project EA, proposing to thin approximately 7154 acres to return stand conditions and fire regimes to historic levels. Includes 3211 acres of commercial harvesting, ...
  • Paulina Ranger District (Or.) (2007-03)
    Proposes to thin approximately 7154 acres to return stand conditions and fire regimes to historic levels. Includes 3211 acres of commercial harvesting, noncommercial thinning, 4551 acres of activity fuels underburning and ...
  • Paulina Ranger District (Or.) (2008-06)
    Proposes to continue authorization of livestock grazing in the Heisler, Wind Creek, and Wolf Creek allotments using new grazing management standards and an adaptive management strategy. Use standards, known as Composite ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2005-04)
    FEIS proposes to use prescribed fire, commercial thinning, noncommercial thinning, grapple piling, and hard piling in the west half of the Maury Mountains to maintain and increase current and future late and old structure ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2001)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of project EA, salvage harvesting merchantable trees that were felled during fire suppression operations near existing roads in the Hash Rock Salvage area. Trees proposed for ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2002-05)
    Proposes to conduct forest vegetation management activities on approximately 11,300 acres, including commercial timber harvest (2375 acres), precommercial thinning (5395 acres), natural fuels underburning (5450 acres), ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2006-08-29)
    Announces decision to reissue a special use permit to the city for a municipal water system, including an 11, 263-foot transmission pipeline, 3 spring boxes, and their associated fencing. These facilities have been permitted ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2004-08)
    Proposes to use prescribed fire, commercial thinning, noncommercial thinning, grapple piling, and hard piling in the west half of the Maury Mountains to maintain and increase current and future late and old structure forest ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2002-06)
    Proposes to replace the existing culvert that obstructs fish passage with an aluminum box culvert with a natural bottom substrate. The fill removed would be used to close Forest Road 22-800, and a bypass road 128 feet long ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2003-03-11)
    Announces implementation of Alternative 4 of project EA, conducting forest vegetation management activities on approximately 11,300 acres, including commercial timber harvest (1945 acres), precommercial thinning (5118 ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2003-12-31)
    Announces decision to enhance the Bandit Spring Well rest area by installing an all-season potable water system to replace the one removed in 1994. Includes a well, cistern, submersible pump, pipe for the system, and a ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2001-02)
    Proposes to salvage harvest merchantable trees that were felled during fire suppression operations near existing roads in the Hash Rock Salvage area. Trees proposed for harvest are between 15 and 35 inches dbh, and the ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2005-08-03)
    Announces decision to thin small conifer trees in 14 aspen stands over about 100 acres to enhance vigor and growth. Includes thinning trees up to 12 inches dbh and spacing conifers to an average of 18-by-18 feet.
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2005-08-15)
    Announces decision to thin precommercially, lop, and scatter slash in 152 plantations over 3200 acres in Trout Creek, Bear Creek, McKay Creek, and Mill Creek watersheds. Includes thinning trees up to 9 inches in diameter ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2006-01-17)
    Announces decision to salvage 600 dead trees in the Marks Creek Watershed to recover the economic value after destruction by bark beetle. Includes 630,000 board feet from mostly ponderosa pine over 60 acres, with resultant ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2008-05-19)
    Announces decision to implement prescribed fire treatment on approximately 2500 acres and noncommercial mechanical thinning on about 600 acres within the wildland-urban interface in the Upper Ochoco Creek Watershed. Aims ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2006-12-19)
    Announces decision to categorically exclude and authorize the construction of a groomer shed approximately 30 by 60 feet, located between Roads 2200-135 and 2200-140 across from the Walton Sno-Park.
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2006-06-22)
    Announces implementation of the use of prescribed fire on approximately 2700 acres and noncommercial mechanical thinning on approximately 800 acres within the wildland-urban interface in the Upper Ochoco Creek Watershed. ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2006-08-29)
    Announces decision to issue a new special use permit for Kyle E. Meisner to occupy and use National Forest System land to collect and transport water for domestic use. Facilities include an enclosure fence, spring box, and ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2007-07)
    FEIS proposes to harvest commercially on 6172 acres, precommercial thinning on 11,160 acres, and 196 acres of thinning in hardwood stands. Includes some 15,464 acres of prescribed fire, 3015 acres of grapple piling, 718 ...

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