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Forest Service: Recent submissions

  • Crooked River National Grassland (Or.) (2007)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 3 of project EA, denying the VHF component, while approving other provisions, of Western Radio Services March 17, 2006 application to relocate facilities and install others. ...
  • Crooked River National Grassland (Or.) (2007-09)
    Proposes to approve Western Radio Services March 17, 2006 application to relocate facilities and install others. Includes relocating the two 158.7 mhz VHF antennas currently mounted on an existing 60-foot lattice tower to ...
  • Crooked River National Grassland (Or.) (2007-05)
    Includes chapters 1 and 2 of Draft EA, proposing to approve Western Radio Services March 17, 2006 application to relocate facilities and install others. Includes relocating the two 158.7 mhz VHF antennas currently mounted ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District; Paulina Ranger District (Or.) (1993-04)
    Plan establishes a comprehensive river management approach to the free-flowing natural character of the North Fork, following its addition to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System as part of the Oregon Omnibus Wild ...
  • Paulina Ranger District (Or.) (2003-06-19)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 3 of project EA, with modifications for higher levels of snag retention. Includes salvaging approximately 577 MBF of trees that are dying or were killed by the July 2002 wildfire, ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2004-04-06)
    Announces decision to implement the use of prescribed fire on approximately 3900 acres and noncommercial mechanical thinning treatments on about 990 acres within the Lower Crooked River Watershed.
  • Paulina Ranger District (Or.) (2004-06)
    Proposes to improve watershed health by restoring and managing highly impacted streams, restoring streams to a more desired pattern, profile, and dimension, and improving aquatic habitats to support redband trout populations. ...
  • Crooked River National Grassland (Or.) (2003-03-26)
    Proposes installation of a new fiber optic line, primarily on existing poles, within the existing right-of-way for the Central Electric Cooperative, Inc. (CEC) power transmission line. Designed to complement the earlier ...
  • Crooked River National Grassland (Or.) (2006)
    Announces implementation of a project using prescribed fire to reduce hazardous fuels along road corridors and near residential areas in the wildland-urban interface. Concentrations of juniper thinning slash (jackpots) and ...
  • Crooked River National Grassland (Or.) (2006)
    Announces implementation of project to reduce fuels and resultant wildfire risk on 200 acres adjacent to the ranch. Designated a wildlife-urban area, the project includes cutting juniper trees less than 12" (dbh) with ...
  • Paulina Ranger District (Or.) (2003-04)
    Proposes to salvage approximately 514 MBF of trees that are dying or were killed by the July 2002 wildfire, and to plant conifers within a 140-acre area. Includes seedling protective measures against big game and pocket ...
  • Paulina Ranger District (Or.) (2005-06)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of the project EA, controlling the medusahead population within the Turnpike Pit on the southeast edge near the 5840-780 entrance road before it spreads to adjacent grasslands ...
  • Paulina Ranger District (Or.) (2004-01)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative C of project Supplementary EIS, to improve vegetative diversity, reduce the current fire hazard, improve the amount of shade producing vegetation and large woody material for ...
  • Paulina Ranger District (Or.) (2005-06)
    Proposes to control the medusahead population within the Turnpike Pit on the southeast edge near the 5840-780 entrance road before it spreads to adjacent grasslands, using the herbicide glyphosate (Glypro).
  • Paulina Ranger District (Or.) (2005-03)
    Proposes to control the medusahead population within the Turnpike Pit on the southeast edge near the 5840-780 before it spreads to adjacent grasslands, using the herbicide glyphosate (Glypro).
  • Paulina Ranger District (Or.) (2005-09)
    EA proposes to continue authorization of grazing on the Deep Creek, Derr, Happy, Little Summit, and Roba allotments within the Deep Creek watershed and portions of the Mountain Creek, Rock Creek, Paulina Creek, and lower ...
  • Paulina Ranger District (Or.) (2007-05-29)
    Announces decision to implement the project, commercially harvesting 34 acres of ponderosa pine and non-commercially thin 55 acres of overly dense, second-growth ponderosa pine stands that are imminently susceptible to ...
  • Paulina Ranger District (Or.) (2004-01)
    Proposes to improve improve vegetative diversity, reduce the current fire hazard, improve the amount of shade producing vegetation and large woody material for streams, and reduce sedimentation from roads. Includes improvement ...
  • Paulina Ranger District (Or.) (2007-06)
    Proposes to thin approximately 7154 acres to return stand conditions and fire regimes to historic levels. Includes 3211 acres of commercial harvesting, noncommercial thinning, 4551 acres of activity fuels underburning and ...
  • Paulina Ranger District (Or.) (2007-09-06)
    Announces implementation of underburning of 2770 acres, non-commercial thinning of 1000 acres, and machine piling of 123 acres to reduce the threat of uncharacteristically intense wildfire.

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