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Browsing Lafayette, Oregon Planning Documents by Title


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  • La Grande (Or.) (La Grande, 2006-03-16)
    Amend the Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map; rezoning the subject properties. One (1) property from a medium density residential zone to a commercial zone; one (1) property remains the same zoning, but lifting a limited ...
  • La Grande (Or.) (La Grande, 2006-04-13)
    To rezone Tax Lot 1600 in T3S, R38E, Section 4BC, a two acre property, from R-2 Medium Density Residential to GC General Commercial, Subject to a Limited Use Overlay Zone to limit the use of the property to retail/nurseries ...
  • La Grande (Or.) (La Grande, 2006-07-31)
    Land Development Code amendments to implement Comprehensive Plan policies and other miscellaneous amendments, such as required master planning, flood plain administration by the City Planner, Sign Code Ordinance incorporated ...
  • La Grande (Or.) (La Grande, 2006-07-31)
    Amended the Comprehensive Plan (Transportation System Plan) to include a US 30 Circulation and Access Management Plan for US Highway 30 from "H" Avenue to i-84.
  • La Grande (Or.) (La Grande, 2006-07-31)
    Expand the City of La Grande Urban Growth Boundary, Rezoning R-2 Rural Residential in Union County to R-2 Medium Density Residential and GC General Commercial in La Grande
  • La Grande (Or.) (La Grande, 2007-07-19)
    Amend the Comprehensive zone to a commercial zone Plan Map and Zoning Map; rezoning the subject property from a medium density residential
  • La Grande (Or.) (La Grande, 2007-08-22)
    Re-zone of property zoned M-1 Light Industrial to R-2 Medium Density Residential
  • La Grande (Or.) (La Grande, 2009-07-28)
  • La Grande (Or.) (La Grande, 2010-02-26)
  • La Grande (Or.) (La Grande, 2011-10-11)
    Rezone property From Interchange Commercial to General Commeivial to allow for additional permitted use types, such as, administrative offices, financial institutions, etc. The property is predominantly undeveloped and the ...
  • Lafayette (Or.) (City of Lafayette (Or.), 2001)
    The development of the Comprehensive Plan occurred in several stages. The systems that make up the community were separated into elements under three main categories: Natural Resources, Community Resources and ...
  • Yamhill County (Or.); Lafayette (Or.) (City of Lafayette (Or.), 1979-05)
    This Plan is divided into four sections. The first three sections present the goals and policies concerning Natural Resources, Community Resources and Community Development of Lafayette. The fourth section discusses ...
  • Lafayette (Or.) (City of Lafayette (Or.), 2003-10)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Yamhill County (Or.); Lafayette (Or.) (City of Lafayette (Or.), 1979-05)
    The material in this Planning Atlas is a synthesis of the information gathered and discussed during the development of the Lafayette Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The City's land use goals and policies, derived from this ...
  • Lafayette (Or.) (Lafayette, 2006-01-06)
    Amend Plan Map from low density residential to medium density Residential. Amend Zone Map from Low Density Residential (R -1) to Medium Density Residential (R-2).
  • Lafayette (Or.) (Lafayette, 2006-01-18)
    Amend Plan map from Medium Density Residential to Commercial. Amend Zone Map from Medium Density Residential (R-2) to Commercial (C-1)
  • Lafayette (Or.) (Lafayette, 2007-08-20)
    Replaces Lafayette Zoning & Development Ordinance; Sect. 2.206, Adopting New Sign Regulations
  • Lafayette (Or.) (Lafayette, 2007-08-20)
    Amend Lafayette Transportation System Plan (an element of the comprehensive Plan and Planning Atlas) Updating Capital Project Costs Improvment
  • Lafayette (Or.) (Lafayette, 2010-01-26)
    Lafayette floodplain regulations were amended to state the Flood Insurance Study for Yamhill County and Incorporated Cities, March 2, 20 I 0, and to add language from the State Model Floodplain Ordinance and State Building Code.
  • Lafayette (Or.) (Lafayette, 2011-01-18)
    The Lafayette Comprehensive Plan was amended with housekeeping updates to the findings, goals, policies and implementation statements. The amendments were minor in nature and no substantive changes were made.

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