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Browsing Madras, Oregon Planning Documents by Issue Date


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  • Madras (Or.); Ace Consultants (City of Madras (Or.), 1996-11-15)
    The purpose of this study is to provide a long range planning of the wastewater system improvement needs to meet the growing demand for sewer services. [From the Plan]
  • Madras (Or.); David Evans and Associates; Breazeale, George; Madras (Or.). Dept. of Public Works; Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Planning Section (City of Madras (Or.), 1998-08-25)
    The Madras Transportation System Plan (TSP) guides the management of existing transportation facilities and the design and implementation of future facilities for the next 20 years. This Transportation System Plan ...
  • Tenneson Engineering Corp.; Madras (Or.) (City of Madras (Or.), 2003-12-12)
    The plan is divided into four basic elements. The first element, the Introduction, outlines the reasons for land use planning, the process by which it is done, and the Citizen's Involvement Program. The second element, ...
  • Leland Consulting Group; Madras (Or.); Walker-Macy (City of Madras (Or.), 2005-02)
    Mission [of this Plan]: To prepare a strategy for the future development of land, buildings and parks in the Madras Urban Renewal District, which encourages the efficient use of public funds to develop a unique identity ...
  • Madras (Or.) (City of Madras (Or.), 2005-02-08)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Madras (Or.); Century West Engineering Corporation (City of Madras (Or.), 2005-03-04)
    In April of 1980, the City of Madras retained the services of Century West Engineering Corporation to research and evaluate the City's existing domestic water system and to make recommendations regarding the future of the ...
  • Madras (Or.); Madras (Or.). Dept. of Public Works; Ace Consultants; United States. Forest Service (City of Madras (Or.), 2005-04)
    The purpose of the Madras Stormwater Master Plan is to address the community's overall stormwater management needs. The fundamental goals of the Plan are to provide recommended major improvements for the stormwater conveyance ...
  • Madras (Or.) (Madras, 2006-07-05)
    Amended the Commercial (C-1) zone to allow commercial planned unit developments.
  • Madras (Or.) (Madras, 2006-08-02)
    Amend the Development Code to implement three (3) new Plan and Zone designations; Downtown Commercial (C2), Corridor Commercial (C1) and Community Commercial (C3). Also amends Parking Standards and Sign Code revisions.
  • Madras (Or.) (Madras, 2006-08-02)
    Amend the Comprehensive Plan and Zone Map to include new Plan and Zone designations; Downtown Commercial (C2), Corridor Commercial (C2) and Community Commercial (C3).
  • Madras (Or.) (Madras, 2006-08-24)
    Amend the City's Comprehensive Plan to adopt a coordinated population forecast as set forth in ORS 195.036.
  • Madras (Or.) (Madras, 2006-09-06)
    Rezone 5.+3 from Single Family Residential (R-1) to Planned Residential Development (R-3) to allow furture residential development at the higher densitites provided by the R-1 zone
  • Madras (Or.) (Madras, 2006-09-18)
    The applicant seeks to re-designate and rezone approzximately 8 acres from Rural Residential-10 (RR-10) to Single Family Residential (R-1). the subject property is located within the Madras UBG and will be annexed into the ...
  • Madras (Or.) (Madras, 2006-09-26)
    The applicant seeks to re-designate and rezone approximately 5 acres from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Planned Residential Development (R-3).
  • Madras (Or.) (Madras, 2006-09-26)
    The City of Madras amended to re-designate and rezone 1.86 of land from the existing R-1 (Single-Family Residential) zone and designation to C-1 (Corridor Commercial).
  • Madras (Or.) (Madras, 2006-09-26)
    The City of Madras amended re-designate and rezone approximately 9 acres from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to R-2 (Multi-Family Residential).
  • Madras (Or.) (Madras, 2006-09-26)
    Amending the Madras Comprehensive Plan to adopt the city of Madras Parks & Open space Master Plan, November 2004, as the Plan's Parks and Recreation Element
  • Madras (Or.) (Madras, 2006-10-11)
    To allow Contractor's Yards that require outdoor storage of equipment and supplies as a permitted use in the Industrial Zone.
  • Madras (Or.) (Madras, 2006-10-11)
    The applicant requested to allow roof and wall mounted antennas for cellular service with the Commercial, Neighborhood Commercial and Industrial zones.
  • Madras (Or.) (Madras, 2006-10-11)
    The applicant requested to Annex approximately 1.27 acres of R-2 (Multi-Family Residential) property and a portion of N.E. Jeferson Street into the city limits of the City of Madras.

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