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Browsing Curry County, Oregon Planning Documents by Title


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  • Curry County (Or.) (Curry County (Or.), 2006)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Curry County (Or.) (Curry County (Or.), 1992-06-30)
    It is the purpose of this ordinance to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare, and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in specific areas. [From the document]
  • Curry County (Or.); Diversified Safety Management; Wolf Creek Design & Research (Curry County (Or.), 2005-06-20)
    The goal of the Curry County Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan is to protect life and property and reduce the effects of natural hazards, and establish a more resilient community. [From the Plan]
  • Curry County (Or.); David Evans and Associates; H. Lee & Associates (Curry County (Or.), 2005-05)
    The Curry County Transportation System Plan (TSP) guides the management of existing transportation facilities and the design and implementation of future facilities for the next 15 years. Delays in completion of the plan ...
  • Curry County (Or.); University of Oregon. Institute for a Sustainable Environment; Wildfire Planning and Analysis (Firm) (Curry County (Or.), 2008-01)
    This CWPP is intended to compliment and support other efforts and plans throughout the County. As a non-regulatory plan, the actions and strategies described herein are consistent with current regulations and existing ...
  • Oregon Partnership for Disaster Resilience; LeDuc, Andre; Bruce, Josh; Findley, Megan; Crawford, Adam; Passchier, Gregoor (Curry County (Or.), 2010-08)
    Curry County developed this multi-jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan in an effort to reduce future loss of life and damage to property resulting from natural hazards. This plan was developed with and for the ...
  • Curry County (Or.) (Curry County, 2006-03-09)
    Curry County amended Comprehensive Plan Goals 6 and 7 and adopted new ordinances for Erosian Prevention and Sediment Control (CCZO Section 3.300); Storm and Surface Water Management Standards (CCZO 3.400); and revised the ...
  • Curry County (Or.) (Curry County, 2006-08-09)
    To change the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations of five parcels in an exception area from a Rural Industrial to Rural Residential for property located in Curry County (Map 32-25-27 Tax Lots 900, 901, 902, 903, and ...
  • Curry County (Or.) (Curry County, 2006-10-20)
    Change the the zoning designation of an 18.22 acre parcel, identified as Curry County Tax Assessor's Map/Lot No. 37-14-00 -04600 and located at 27799 Highway 101, from Rural Residential - Ten Acres (RR-10) to Residential ...
  • Curry County (Or.) (Curry County, 2006-11-07)
    To allow 2.0 acre parcels/lots in the Curry County Rural Residential (RR) zone.
  • Curry County (Or.) (Curry County, 2007-03-01)
    Comp plan change with a concurrent zone change from Marine Activity to Light Commercial for property located at 94230 Wedderburn Loop.
  • Curry County (Or.) (Curry County, 2007-07-16)
    The Curry County Board of Commissioners approved the application for zone change from Rural Residential Five (RR-5) to Rural Residential Two (RR-2) and a Goal 2 Exception to Goal 14 for property located at 00961 and 00964 ...
  • Curry County (Or.) (Curry County, 2008-10-27)
    Zone change from Rural Residential Five acre minimum to Rural Residential Two acre minimum
  • Curry County (Or.) (Curry County, 2008-12-18)
    Adoption of the Storm & Surface Water Facilities Plan for Brookings-Harbor.
  • Curry County (Or.) (Curry County, 2009-09-14)
    To amend and update the existing 1992 "Curry County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance" and adopt the "Flood Insurance Study" and the digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) for Curry County for the purpose of meeting the ...
  • Curry County (Or.) (Curry County, 2010-01-14)
    The amendment proposal was to change the zoning designation of the property located at 32776 Cedar Valley Road from Rural Residential Ten (with minimum parcel/lot size of ten (10) acres) to Rural Residential Two (with a ...
  • Curry County (Or.) (Curry County, 2010-06-09)
    The adoption of amendments to the Curry County Comprehensive Plan - Goal 8 (Recreational Needs): new regulations for development of destination resorts, and map of areas that may be eligible for the siting of destination resorts.
  • Curry County (Or.) (Curry County, 2010-06-10)
  • Curry County (Or.) (Curry County, 2010-07-12)
  • Curry County (Or.) (Curry County, 2011-03-02)
    Certain policies in Curry County Comprehensive Plan, specifically in Chapter 3 - Agricultural Lands and Chapter 14 - Urbanization, were amended under Curry County Ordinance 11-01 to reflect new language in the "City of ...

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