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Browsing Marion County, Oregon Planning Documents by Title


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  • Oregon Partnership for Disaster Resilience (City of Aurora (Or.), 2009-11)
  • Oregon Partnership for Disaster Resilience (2009-12)
    Keizer developed this addendum to the Marion County multijurisdictional Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan in an effort to increase the community’s resilience to natural hazards. The addendum focuses on the natural hazards ...
  • Oregon Partnership for Disaster Resilience; Silverton (Or.) (City of Silverton (Or.), 2010-01)
    Silverton developed this addendum to the Marion County multijurisdictional Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan in an effort to increase the community’s resilience to natural hazards. The addendum focuses on the natural ...
  • Marion County (Or.); Marion County (Or.). Public Works Dept.; Pacific Rim Resources, Inc. (Marion County (Or.), 2000-07)
    The area [covered by the Plan] includes a mix of residential, commercial, industrial and public land uses. Brooks has two schools, a fire station, and a post office. Hopmere contains industrial and commercial uses within ...
  • Marion County (Or.) (Marion County (Or.), 2008-01-14)
    Developed by the local coordinating group comprised of rural fire protection districts, local government, state and federal agencies, and community-based organizations, the plan mission is to enhance community safety and ...
  • Marion County (Or.) (Marion County (Or.), 2002)
    The Marion County Comprehensive Plan was developed for the purpose of providing a guide to development and conservation of Marion County's land resources. It is a generalized long-range policy guide and land use map that ...
  • Marion County (Or.); Marion County (Or.). Planning Division (Marion County (Or.), 1981-05-13)
    The Marion County Comprehensive Plan was developed for the purpose of providing a guide to development and conservation of Marion County's land resources. It is a generalized long-range policy guide and land use map that ...
  • Marion County (Or.) (Marion County (Or.), 2007-01-04)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Marion County (Or.) (Marion County (Or.), 2007-01-04)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local governments comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Marion County (Or.); University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop; Marion County (Or.). Emergency Management; Mid Willamette Valley Council of Governments (Marion County (Or.), 2005-12-05)
    The Marion County Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan affects unincorporated urban areas, and the rural, unincorporated areas of the county. Map 1 shows cities, urban unincorporated areas, and major roads and rivers in ...
  • Marion County (Or.) (Marion County (Or.), 2000-12-06)
    The Natural Heritage Parks Program has three primary objectives. 1. Provide visitors the opportunity for nature-oriented recreation, environmental education, and appreciation of Marion County’s natural heritage. 2. Provide ...
  • Marion County (Or.) (Marion County (Or.), 2005-12-21)
    The Marion County Rural Transportation System Plan (RTSP) provides the framework for developing an efficient, well-balanced, and cost-effective transportation system for the next 20 years. The plan addresses the ...
  • Marion County (Or.); CH2M Hill, inc.; Stayton (Or.); Sublimity (Or.); Mid Willamette Valley Council of Governments; Oregon. Dept. of Transportation (Marion County (Or.), 2006-08)
    The Sublimity Interchange, located at the junction of Oregon 22 and Cascade Highway in Marion County, Oregon, will be undergoing modifications and improvements. In light of these planned improvements, this Interchange ...
  • Marion County (Or.) (Marion County (Or.), 2006-10-06)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management; Marion County (Or.); Willamette Riverkeepers; Mid-Willamette River Connections; Willamette Restoration Initiative (Or.); American Heritage Rivers (Marion County (Or.), 2004-06)
    This proposal identifies a number of discrete Willamette River Water Trail tasks, timelines, and budget items. [From the Plan]
  • Marion County (Or.) (Marion County, 2006-02-15)
    Amends the Marion County Comprehensive Plan by adopting the Marion County Rural l Transportation System Plan (RTSP) 2005 Update and incorporating the RTSP 2005 Update as the Transportation Element of the Marion County ...
  • Marion County (Or.) (Marion County, 2006-02-22)
  • Marion County (Or.) (Marion County, 2006-02-28)
    Approval of request to allow sewer service extension by Mill City to 0.86 acre property outside the Mill City UGB/city limits due to failed septic system. County Comprehensive Plan policy does not allow for extension of ...
  • Marion County (Or.) (Marion County, 2006-04-12)
    Consider the amendments to the Marion County Rural Zoning Ordinance #516 as amended. The amendments relate to the definition of schools and the language that identifies schools in the residential zones, the public zones ...
  • Marion County (Or.) (Marion County, 2006-10-02)

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