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  • Slovic, Paul; Fischhoff, Baruch; Lichtenstein, Sarah (Accident Analysis and Prevention, 1978)
    Motorists' reluctance to wear seat belts is examined in light of research showing (a) that protective behavior is influenced more by the probability of a hazard than by the magnitude of its consequences and (b) that people ...
  • King, Jesse; Slovic, Paul (Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2014)
    According to the affect heuristic, people often rely upon their overall affective impression of a target to form judgments of risk. However, innovation research has largely characterized risk perception as a function of ...
  • Vastfjall, Daniel; Peters, Ellen; Slovic, Paul (Society for Judgment and Decision Making, 2008-01)
    Environmental events such as natural disasters may influence the public’s affective reactions and decisions. Shortly after the 2004 Tsunami disaster we assessed how affect elicited by thinking about this disaster influenced ...
  • Slovic, Paul; Peters, Ellen; Finucane, Melissa; MacGregor, Donald G. (2005)
    Risk is perceived and acted on in 2 fundamental ways. Risk as feelings refers to individuals' fast, instinctive, and intuitive reactions to danger. Risk as analysis brings logic, reason, and scientific deliberation to bear ...
  • Kahan, Dan; Slovic, Paul; Braman, Donald; Gastil, John; Cohen, Geoffrey (Yale Law School, 2007-03)
    Despite knowing little about nanotechnology (so to speak), members of the public readily form opinions on whether its potential risks outweigh its potential benefits. On what basis are they forming their judgments? How ...
  • Rubaltelli, Enrico; Slovic, Paul (Society for Judgment and Decision Making, 2008-12)
    Three experiments demonstrate how the processing of negations is contingent on the evaluation context in which the negative information is presented. In addition, the strategy used to process the negations induced different ...
  • Levin, Irwin; Weller, Joshua; Pederson, Ashley; Harshman, Lyndsay (Society for Judgment and Decision Making, 2007-08)
    While previous research has found that children make more risky decisions than their parents, little is known about the developmental trajectory for the ability to make advantageous decisions. In a sample of children, 5–11 ...
  • Leiserowitz, Anthony; Craciun, Jean (Decision Research, 2006)
  • Slovic, Paul (Journal of Applied Psychology, 1969)
    This study illustrates an analysis-of-variance technique for describing the use of information by persons making complex judgments. Ss were two stockbrokers who rated the growth potential of stocks on the basis of 11 ...
  • Slovic, Paul; Bauman, W. Scott; Fleissner, Dan (1972)
  • Vastfjall, Daniel; Slovic, Paul; Burns, William J.; Erlandsson, Arvid; Koppel, Lina; Asutay, Erkin; Tinghog, Gustav (Frontiers Media, 2016-03-08)
    Research has demonstrated that two types of affect have an influence on judgment and decision making: incidental affect (affect unrelated to a judgment or decision such as a mood) and integral affect (affect that is part ...
  • Dickert, Stephan; Slovic, Paul (Society for Judgment and Decision Making, 2009-06)
    Empathic responses, such as sympathy towards others,are a key ingredient in the decision to provide help to those in need. The determinants of empathic responses are usually thought to be the vividness, similarity, and ...
  • Satterfield, Terre; Johnson, Stephen; Neil, Nancy; Slovic, Paul (Decision Research, 1997-08)
  • Slovic, Paul; Lichtenstein, Sarah; Fischhoff, Baruch (1977)
  • Slovic, Paul; Fischhoff, Baruch; Lichtenstein, Sarah (Cambridge University, 1987)
  • Epstein, Ronald; Peters, Ellen (American Medical Association, 2009)
    The Institute of Medicine considers patient-centered care (“care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs and values” 1(p6)) to be a foundation of high-quality health care, along ...
  • Svenson, Ola; Slovic, Paul (Decision Research, 2002-02)
    Two studies investigated how free associations to decision alternatives could be used to describe decision processes. Choices between San Francisco and San Diego as a vacation city were investigated in the first study ...
  • Fischhoff, Baruch; MacGregor, Donald G.; Lichtenstein, Sarah (Decision Research, 1983-04)
    People tend to be inadequately sensitive to the extent of their own knowledge. This insensitivity typically emerges as overconfidence. That is, people's assessments of the probability of having answered questions ...
  • Tversky, Amos; Slovic, Paul; Kahneman, Daniel (American Economic Association, 1990)
    Observed preference reversal (PR) cannot be adequately explained by violations of independence, the reduction axiom, or transitivity. The primary cause of PR is the failure of procedure invariance, especially the overpricing ...
  • McDaniels, Timothy; Axelrod, Lawrence J.; Slovic, Paul (1995)
    Relatively little attention has been paid to the role of human perception and judgment in ecological risk management. This paper attempts to characterize perceived ecological risk, using the psychometric paradigm developed ...

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