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Browsing Creswell, Oregon Planning Documents by Title


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  • Henderson, Larry D.; Creswell (Or.) (City of Creswell (Or.), 1975-03)
    this report has been divided into 4 main sections: {l} Part 1, an overview of the City's planning process - what has been done and what remains to be done; (2) Parts 2 through 9, in which the important issues facing ...
  • Creswell (Or.) (City of Creswell (Or.), 1982-09-13)
    The Comprensive Plan proposals are general in nature and provide development guidance and strategies for the City of Creswell and its projected urbanizing area. In addition, the plan proposals address the community issues ...
  • Creswell (Or.); Oregon. Dept. of Transportation; Lane Council of Governments (Or.) (Oregon Dept. of Transportation, 1999-08)
    The basis for creating a Creswell Interstate 5 Interchange Refinement Plan stems from the need and requirement to prepare a Creswell Transportation System Plan (TSP). Officials from the Oregon Department of Transportation ...
  • Creswell (Or.) (City of Creswell (Or.), 2003-12-08)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Creswell (Or.) (City of Creswell (Or.), 2007-02)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Creswell (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.) (City of Creswell (Or.), 2001-05-29)
    This Plan was created in close consultation with the Downtown Creswell Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC), a nine-member committee that met on a monthly basis. The Plan creates a vision for Creswell’s downtown and will ...
  • Creswell (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.); ECO Northwest, Ltd. (City of Creswell (Or.), 2005-03)
    This Creswell Economic Opportunities Analysis is designed to comply with Oregon’s Statewide Planning Goal 9....The Economic Opportunities Analysis reports our inventory of buildable non-residential land currently in ...
  • Creswell (Or.); Historic Preservation Northwest; Lane Council of Governments (Or.) (City of Creswell (Or.), 2007-07-02)
    This report is a summary document of a survey of the historic resources located within the core of Creswell, Oregon. These properties are identified in Appendix A: Surveyed Resources by Address. The survey was conducted ...
  • Creswell (Or.) (City of Creswell (Or.), 2007-06)
    One of the tasks in Creswell’s Comprehensive Plan Update is an inventory and analysis of natural resources. The City of Creswell Natural Environment Inventory and Report (Report) provides a basic summary and inventory of ...
  • ECO Northwest, Ltd.; Creswell (Or.) (City of Creswell (Or.), 2009-05-21)
    This memorandum is one in a series of documents informing the Concept Plan for development in the area North of Oregon Avenue in Creswell, a project financed by a Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) grant from the ...
  • Creswell (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.) (City of Creswell (Or.), 2005-08-08)
    The Creswell Parks and Open Space Master Plan (Master Plan) is the policy document and foundation that will guide the development of parks and recreation facilities in Creswell over the next 20 to 50 years. The specific ...
  • Creswell (Or.) (City of Creswell (Or.), 2007-08)
    This document summarizes the Residential Buildable Land Inventory analysis for the Creswell Urban Growth Boundary. It addresses Statewide Planning Goal 10, "To provide for the housing needs of citizens of the state." ...
  • Creswell (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.) (City of Creswell (Or.), 2004-08)
    Broad, general economic development-related goals and more specific economic development-related strategies include: 1. Support, enhance and manage existing business enterprises on both sides of the railroad and Interstate ...
  • Creswell (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.) (City of Creswell (Or.), 1998-01)
    The City of Creswell in coordination with Lane County and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) initiated a study of the city's transportation system in May 1996. The purpose of the study is to provide a long-range ...
  • Creswell (Or.) (Creswell, 2007-02-16)
    A new land development ordinance (Ordinance No. 442) based on DLCD small city model code and incoporating principles of smart development was adopted. The old development code ordinance Nos. 390 and 411 were repealed.
  • Creswell (Or.) (Creswell, 2007-10-10)
    The Amendment to Creswell Development Code Ordinance No. 442 is to change the allowed uses in the Resort Commercial Overlay zone; correct references to other code sections in the Home Occupation-Section 4.9.200; and to ...
  • Creswell (Or.) (Creswell, 2007-12-31)
    The adopted Comp Plan Text Amendment updates the City's urbanization policies to reflect ORS Chapter 222 and the City's responsibilities upon the abolishment of the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission. The ...
  • Creswell (Or.) (Creswell, 2008-10-22)
    The proposal is to rezone a property from Low Density Residential to Downtown Commercial and re-designate from Residential to Commercial to correct a map error in the development of the 1982 Comprehensive Plan, thus making ...
  • Creswell (Or.) (Creswell, 2008-12-11)
  • Creswell (Or.) (Creswell, 2010-06-09)
    The proposal is to change the Plan Designation and Zoning District for a parcel dedicated to the City to be used as a public recreational facility. The Designation is proposed to change from Residential to Public Lands and ...

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