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Browsing Woodburn, Oregon Planning Documents by Issue Date


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  • Woodburn (Or.); Kittelson & Associates (City of Woodburn (Or.), 1996-06)
    The plan has a planning horizon to the year 2015, and represents for the first time a comprehensive, multi-modal transportation plan to guide transportation investment in the City over the next 20 years. As an input ...
  • Woodburn (Or.); Woodburn (Or.). Planning Dept. (City of Woodburn (Or.), 1999-10)
    This Plan was developed during the period from December 1976 through March 1981. It was revised through the Periodic Review process in 1988-1989 and was amended again in 1996. It is intended to guide the development and ...
  • Woodburn (Or.) (City of Woodburn (Or.), 2001-07-09)
    The purpose of this Renewal Plan is to eliminate blighting influences found in the Renewal Area, to implement goals and objectives of the City of Woodburn Comprehensive Plan, and to implement development strategies and ...
  • Woodburn (Or.) (City of Woodburn (Or.), 2002-04-09)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Woodburn (Or.); CH2M Hill, inc.; Kittelson & Associates (City of Woodburn (Or.), 2005-09)
    The city of Woodburn (City), in conjunction with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), initiated an update of the City's 1996 Transportation System Plan (TSP) in 2002. The City of Woodburn Comprehensive Plan ...
  • Woodburn (Or.); Oregon. Dept. of Transportation (Oregon Dept. of Transportation, 2005-11)
    The chief purpose of the IAMP is to: protect the function of the reconstructed interchange to serve statewide and regional travel through the 2025 planning horizon; minimize the probability of needing additional major ...
  • Woodburn (Or.) (Woodburn, 2006-05-18)
    Mill Creek Greenwav and Pathway Master Plan is intended to provide a roadmap to accomplish the policies prescribed in the Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan.
  • Woodburn (Or.) (Woodburn, 2006-09-20)
    Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment from "Industrial" to "Commercial" and Zone Change from "Light Industrial" to "Commercial General" to allow for the expansion of an auto dealership.
  • Woodburn (Or.) (Woodburn, 2007-06-28)
    Designate in which zones a video rental business is allowed. Allow shared parking for day and night users of parking areas and allow additional shared parking in conjunction with transit-related improvements. Clarify finance ...
  • Woodburn (Or.) (City of Woodburn (Or.), 2008-09-10)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government's comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Woodburn (Or.) (Woodburn, 2008-09-12)
    Annual review of the Development Ordinance. Revise Significant Trees provisions to include a fee-in lieu of replacement provision. Review architectural wall standards to add specific percent color or texture standards. ...
  • GreenPlay (Firm); Design Concepts (Firm); Geowest (Firm); Group MacKenzie; Woodburn (Or.) (City of Woodburn (Or.), 2009)
    The Woodburn Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update is intended to help meet the needs of current and future residents by positioning Woodburn to build on the community's unique parks and recreation assets and identify ...
  • Wood Village (Wood Village, 2009-01-22)
  • Wood Village (Wood Village, 2009-07-14)
    The City of Wood Village completed TA Grant # TA-U-09-163 that amended several sections of the Development Code. The amendments included the design standards for the Town Center Zone,
  • Woodburn (Or.) (Woodburn, 2009-07-17)
    This Comprehensive Plan text amendment is to adopt the updated City of Woodburn Parks & Recreation Master Plan as a sub-exhibit to the Comprehensive Plan.
  • Woodburn (Or.) (Woodburn, 2010-01-29)
    A TGM grant funded the update to the Woodburn Downtown Development Update (DDPU). Amendments including updating the Comprehensive Plan Text by emphasizing the importance of Woodburn's downtown; amending the Transportation ...
  • Woodburn (Or.) (Woodburn, 2010-03-26)
  • Wood Village (Wood Village, 2010-09-24)
  • Wood Village (Wood Village, 2010-12-22)
  • Woodburn (Or.) (Woodburn, 2010-12-23)

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