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Springfield, Oregon Planning Documents: Recent submissions

  • Springfield (Or.); Willamalane Park and Recreation District (City of Springfield (Or.), 1986-09)
    The goal of the Dorris Ranch Facility Development Plan is to ensure that in coming years the Ranch continues to be a meaningful source of appreciation for this area's past and an inspiration for its future. [From the plan]
  • Lane County (Or.); Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization; Lane Council of Governments (Or.); Eugene (Or.); Springfield (Or.); Coburg (Or.); Lane Transit District (Lane County, Or.) (Lane Council of Governments (Or.), 2009-04)
    The Unified Planning Work Program describes the transportation planning activities to be undertaken in the Central Lane metropolitan area surrounding Eugene and Springfield. It is prepared for State and Federal agencies ...
  • Lane County (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.); Springfield (Or.); Eugene (Or.) (Lane Council of Governments (Or.), 1978-12)
    This report is the Eugene-Springfield Area 2000 Transportation Plan, prepared by the Lane Council of Governments Transportation Planning Committee and adopted by Eugene, Springfield, Lane County and the Lane Council of ...
  • Lane County (Or.); Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization; Lane Council of Governments (Or.) (Lane Council of Governments (Or.), 2004-01-08)
    The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) for the Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is a federally required certification document describing the transportation planning activities to be undertaken ...
  • Lane County (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.); Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization (Lane Council of Governments (Or.), 2004-09)
    The CMS report discusses a set of strategies for addressing congestion within each corridor, including land use strategies; transportation demand management (TDM); intelligent transportation system (ITS) techniques ...
  • DKS Associates; IBI Group; Lane Council of Governments (Or.); Lane Transit District (Lane County, Or.); Lane County (Or.); Eugene (Or.); Springfield (Or.); Oregon. Dept. of Transportation (Lane Council of Governments (Or.), 2003-11)
    The following reasons provide the basis for developing an [Intelligent Transportation System] plan for the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area: the region cannot build itself out of congestion; the region endeavors ...
  • Lane County (Or.); Springfield (Or.); Eugene (Or.); Lane Transit District (Lane County, Or.); Oregon. Dept. of Transportation; Lane Council of Governments (Or.); Coburg (Or.); Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization; DKS Associates; IBI Group (Lane Council of Governments (Or.), 2004-12)
    The Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) guides regional transportation system planning and development in the CLMPO metropolitan area. The RTP includes provisions for meeting ...
  • Springfield (Or.); Willamalane Park and Recreation District; Cameron and Associates; Lutes/Sanetel/Architects (City of Springfield (Or.), 1988)
    This Willamalane Recovery Action Plan documents a ten-step planning process undertaken by the District over a period of approximately five years. The ten steps are divided into three phases: the framework defines which ...
  • Springfield (Or.); Willamalane Park and Recreation District (City of Springfield (Or.), 1983-03-01)
    The Park Facility Programs described herein carry forward the facility standards and recreation needs identified in the District's 1980 Comprehensive Plan, and describe, in general, the recreation experience opportunities ...
  • Springfield (Or.); Willamalane Park and Recreation District; Lacoss and Associates (Springfield (Or.), 1980)
    The objective of this plan is to provide an understanding of the District and the elements which affect its development. It will provide an objective base from which the citizens, District Board of Directors and Staff ...
  • Lane Council of Governments (Or.); Springfield (Or.); Eugene (Or.) (Lane Council of Governments (Or.), 1977-11)
    This report is the Eugene-Springfield Area 2000 Transportation Plan, prepared by the Lane Council of Governments Transportation Planning Committee and recommended by that body for official adoption. Public review and ...
  • Lane Council of Governments (Or.); Springfield (Or.); Eugene (Or.) (Lane Council of Governments (Or.), 1975-09)
    This report presents and discusses the six general transportation alternatives but does not attempt to select one of them for further development at this time as an actual master plan. Instead it is intended that ...
  • Eugene (Or.); Springfield (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.). Transportation Planning Committee; Lane Council of Governments (Or.) (Lane Council of Governments (Or.), 1978-01)
    [T]his document is a series of discussions that review some of the underlying assumptions used, and some of the alternatives developed in preparing the Transportation Plan. In this manner, the public can see some of the ...
  • Lane Council of Governments (Or.); Lane County (Or.); Springfield (Or.); Eugene (Or.) (Lane Council of Governments, 1982-11)
    This Plan establishes the broad policy direction for land use in Oregon's second largest metropolitan area. The Plan balances our need to accommodate new population and employment by identifying land for future ...
  • Eugene (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.); Springfield (Or.) (Lane Council of Governments, 1976-04)
    [T]he General Plan, which is long-range, comprehensive and focused on physical development, provides a flexible guide for specific developmental decision making. It does not, in itself, set down the decisions. [From the Plan]
  • Springfield (Or.); Eugene (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.); Lane County (Or.) (Lane Council of Governments (Or.), 2000-04-01)
    The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan is the official long-range general plan (public policy document) of metropolitan Lane County and the cities of Eugene and Springfield. Its policies and land use ...
  • Willamalane Park and Recreation District; Springfield (Or.) (City of Springfield (Or.), 2005)
    [C]onflicts between managing the park for agricultural (filbert crop) income, recreation, historical preservation, wildlife habitat, and open space need to be addressed. To assist with minimizing these conflicts in the ...
  • Hamm, Michael; Springfield (Or.); Willamalane Park and Recreation District; Lacoss, Robert; Sweet, Randy; Bernat, Bettman & Lawrence (City of Springfield (Or.), 1979-11)
    In May of 1979, consultants were retained by Willamalane Park and Recreation District to conduct this inventory, analysis and land use plan for Dorris Ranch. [From the Plan]
  • CH2M Hill, inc.; Springfield (Or.) (Springfield (Or.), 2008-06)
    The Springfield Wastewater System Master Plan is intended to identify existing and future capacity constraints, determine capacity requirements and identify system improvements necessary to meet the city of Springfield's ...
  • Springfield (Or.). Development Services Dept.; Springfield (Or.) (City of Springfield (Or.), 2000-07)
    The design standards project was initiated to respond to specific concerns raised by the City Council and other citizens about the quality and appearance of new, multiple family housing being developed in the community. ...

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