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Springfield, Oregon Planning Documents: Recent submissions

  • Springfield (Or.) (City of Springfield (Or.), 2008-02-28)
    Goals: share results of on-line questionnaire; discuss land use efficiency measures; form consensus for a recommendation to the PC; which measures to evaluate; specific issues identified with measures. [From the document]
  • Springfield (Or.) (City of Springfield (Or.), 2008-01)
    This memorandum presents a menu of land use efficiency measures that may allow Springfield to increase residential density within the city's existing Urban Growth Boundary. It also discusses of the importance of these ...
  • Eugene (Or.); Springfield (Or.); Oregon. Dept. of Transportation; CH2M Hill, inc. (Oregon Dept. of Transportation, 2005-07)
    ODOT and local governmental agencies are encouraged by Oregon Highway Plan (OHP) policy and administrative rule (OAR 660-012,731-015,734-051) to collaboratively address land use and transportation issues, especially in ...
  • Springfield (Or.); Springfield (Or.). Public Works Dept. (City of Springfield (Or.), 2007-03)
    This program provides a list of public facilities such as street paving, sewer installation, and traffic safety projects that are programmed for funding in the next five years. [From the document]
  • Springfield (Or.); Springfield (Or.). Dept. of Public Works. Environmental Services Division (City of Springfield (Or.), 2004-01)
    The Springfield Stormwater Management Plan (Stormwater Plan) has been developed to provide policy and management guidance for activities affecting stormwater throughout the City of Springfield and its urbanizable area. ...
  • Springfield (Or.); Springfield (Or.). Development Services Dept. (City of Springfield (Or.), 2007-09-18)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Springfield (Or.); Springfield (Or.). Planning and Development Dept. (City of Springfield (Or.), 2005)
    The Springfield Downtown Refinement Plan has been developed to provide goals and policies through which Downtown Springfield may become a more vital and attractive place to shop, conduct business, and recreate. Although ...
  • Springfield (Or.); Springfield (Or.). Development Services Dept.; Eugene (Or.). Planning and Development Dept.; Eugene (Or.). Public Works Dept.; Eugene (Or.). Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services; Eugene (Or.). Dept. of Public Safety (City of Springfield (Or.), 1999-11)
    The Glenwood Refinement Plan is intended to provide background information and policy direction for public and private decisions affecting the growth and development of the Glenwood area. The refinement plan will guide ...
  • Springfield (Or.); Leland Consulting Group (City of Springfield (Or.), 2007-06-25)
    The Glenwood Riverfront Development is envisioned to revitalize the Glenwood district with an urban mix of uses along the Willamette River. Fulfilling a long-standing community desire for revitalization, the mix of urban ...
  • Springfield (Or.); Springfield (Or.). Fire and Safety Dept. (City of Springfield (Or.), 2007-06-21)
    Prior to 1999, Springfield’s Emergency Plan emphasized preparedness and response to all risks faced by the community. In 1999, additional emphasis was placed on mitigation and recovery to better fulfill the four phases ...
  • Eugene (Or.); Springfield (Or.); Water Work Consulting; Upstream Connection; Lane County (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.); Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (Eugene, Or.); Springfield Utility Board; Eugene Water & Electric Board; Willamalane Park and Recreation District (Eugene (Or.), 2002-09-19)
    The purposes of this assessment are to: inform local government staff, elected officials and interested citizens about the current condition of key aquatic and riparian indicators relative to historic conditions; assist ...
  • Springfield (Or.); MIG, Inc. (Springfield (Or.), 2004-03-17)
    This comprehensive planning process included three phases that each involved significant community input: determining needs; developing the Plan; and adopting the Plan.... The Comprehensive Plan provides a specific, ...
  • Springfield (Or.). Economic Development Agency; Springfield (Or.); Spencer & Kupper (City of Springfield (Or.), 2007-09-15)
    The primary goal of this Downtown Urban Renewal Plan is to assist in the revitalization of business and elimination of blight in the downtown area. Urban renewal is ideal for the encouragement of the type of high quality, ...
  • Eugene (Or.); Springfield (Or.); Springfield Utility Board; Eugene Water & Electric Board; Lane County (Or.); Rainbow Water District (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.); Oregon. Dept. of Land Conservation and Development (Lane Council of Governments, 1999-04)
    This report serves as the technical analysis of an update of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Public Facilities and Services Plan (PFSP) and the Metro Plan Element: Public Utilities, Services, and Facilities. [from ...
  • Springfield (Or.); Willamalane Park and Recreation District (City of Springfield (Or.), 2006-06-21)
    [T]he purpose of the Transition Plan is to identify physical improvements or projects needed to remove barriers to participation in programs, activities and services, and to identify a schedule for the completion of the ...
  • Eugene (Or.); Springfield (Or.); Lane County (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.) (Lane Council of Governments, 2001-11)
    A public facility plan, as defined in OAR 660-11-0005 (1), is “a support document or documents to a comprehensive plan. The facility plan describes the water, sewer and transportation facilities which are to support the ...
  • Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization; DKS Associates; Lane County (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.) (Lane Council of Governments, 2004-12)
    The Preliminary Draft Central Lane MPO Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) represents a required update to the federal elements of TransPlan. As noted in Chapter 1, the RTP will be adopted by the Metropolitan Policy ...
  • Eugene (Or.); Springfield (Or.); Lane County (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.) (Lane Council of Governments, 2004-06-02)
    Pursuant to ORS 197.610-650, local governments are required to update their comprehensive plans and land use regulations through the Periodic Review process in order to bring plans into compliance with new state law and ...
  • Willamalane Park and Recreation District (Willamalane Park and Recreation District, 2005-09-28)
    The Lively Park Master Plan identifies and documents the long-term, desired development of Jack B. Lively Memorial Park (Lively Park), home of Splash! Lively Park Swim Center, in East Springfield. The purpose of the master ...
  • Willamalane Park and Recreation District (Willamalane Park and Recreation District, 2005-08-08)
    The Dorris Ranch Living History Farm is an invaluable resource that holds tremendous potential for the enjoyment of present and future generations. However, careful planning for its management and development is imperative. ...

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