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Springfield, Oregon Planning Documents: Recent submissions

  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2010-08-16)
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2010-05-20)
    A map amendment changing the zoning on the subject property from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential to conform to the existing Metro Plan designation, Medium Density Residential.
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2010-05-21)
    A Zoning Map Amendment to correct a conflict between the Metro Plan and the zoning district. The Metro Plan designates this area as Heavy Industrial, but the property is zoned LMI (Light Medium Industrial).
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2011-06-28)
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2011-02-25)
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2009-02-25)
    The approved action amended the Drinkingwater Protection Area Map Time of Travel Zones to reflect new hydrology data since improvement to the Springfield Utility Board's Willamette Wellfield were completed. This is a map ...
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2009-04-09)
    Moved to highway interchange improvement projects from the unfunded, future project list to the financially constrained project list in the comprehensive plan and the transportation system plan. These same changes were ...
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2009-11-19)
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2009-03-05)
    The intent of the SDC amendments is to: 1) Establish a clearly defined Master Plan review process (Section 5.13-100); 2) Address updated Springfield Fire Code regulations in the DWP Overlay District (Section 3.3200; and ...
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2009-11-19)
    Various sections of the Springfield Development Code that address stormwater management regulations have been amended to define and reference the City's adopted Stormwater Management Plan.
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2009-10-29)
    A residential parcel located at 5940 Main Street in Springfield has been rezoned from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan ( Metro Plan) designation ...
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2009-07-24)
    Annexation of public street rights-of-way to the City of Springfield removed Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) from the affected areas. The base zoning and comprehensive plan designations remain the same. Affected ...
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2009-06-05)
    Adoption of Nodal Development Overlay District for ~168 acres of northwest Springfield identified as the "McKenzie-Gateway Medium Density Residential Site". The post-acknowledgement plan amendment is consistent with a ...
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2008-01-18)
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2008-10-09)
    Add "Bowling Alleys" to the list of permitted recreational uses in the Mixed-Use Commercial Zone.
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2008-05-23)
    The applicant proposed correcting the plan/zone conflict that existed on the subject property, located within the City limits. The property was zoned Low Density Residential (LDR) but is designated Medium Density Residential ...
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2008-10-09)
    A signed ordinance amending the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) consistent with Policy G-3 in Chapter III, Section G, Public Facilities and Services Element; Amending Table 4, Table 16 and ...
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2007-02-28)
    The applicant is applying for a City sponsored zone map amendment to rezone property from MDR to LDR in conformance with the Metro Plan designation. The subject property represented a Metro Plan I Zoning Map conflict. ...
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2007-07-19)
    Amended Article 26 of the Springfield Development Code to expand the application of "density transfer" to all hillsides with slopes between 15% and 25%. The prior language in the Article limited density transfer to southfacing ...
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2007-12-13)
    The Attached notice Ordinance #6211 which allows the correction of Scrivener's errors. City of Springfield reformatted the Springfield Development Code Septemberr 17,2007. The reformatting process was a substantial undertaking ...

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