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Springfield, Oregon Planning Documents: Recent submissions

  • Eugene-Springfield (Eugene-Springfield, 2012-03-15)
    Metro Plan Diagram amendment and Zone change to 27.9 acres of light medium industrial designtation to a combination of Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential and Commercial designations. Zone Change from I-2 ...
  • Eugene-Springfield (Eugene-Springfield, 2010-03-11)
    Comprehensive Plan (Metro Plan) amendment IO change land UM: designation from Parks and Opens Space to Low Density Residential. Automatically amends refinement plan diagram from Open Space to >ow Density Residential
  • Eugene-Springfield (Eugene-Springfield, 2010-03-15)
    1) Comprehensive Plan (Metro Plan) amendment to change land use designation from High Density Residential to Commercial. 2) Refinement Plan amendment to change land use designations from High Density Residential to Commercial ...
  • Eugene-Springfield (Eugene-Springfield, 2010-10-07)
    This updated Eugene Airport Master Plan replaces earlier versions as a refinement to the EugeneSpringfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). It is functionally specific to the provision of commercial aviation, ...
  • Eugene-Springfield (Eugene-Springfield, 2009-06-22)
    Adopt a new population projection for the years 2010-2030 and 2030-2035 for the City of Springfield
  • Eugene-Springfield (Eugene-Springfield, 2009-11-05)
    This is a text amendment to the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan, Chapter lll-D Willamette Greenway Element, Policy D.H. The amendment approves an exception to Goal 15 for the purpose of allowing the ...
  • Eugene-Springfield (Eugene-Springfield, 2009-11-05)
    The cities of Eugene, Springfield and the County of Lane adopted new, coordinated population forecasts for the two cities and metropolitan urban areas by amending Chapter I, Introduction Purpose Section of the Eugene-Springfield ...
  • Eugene-Springfield (Eugene-Springfield, 2007-03-26)
    Metro Plan Amendment MA 06-3 amended the Metro Plan land use diagram from a designation of Campus Industrial to Medium Density Residential and includes an automatic update to the Willakenzie Area refinement plan pursuant ...
  • Eugene-Springfield (Eugene-Springfield, 2007-07-19)
    The applicant requested approval to change the designation on the Metropolitan Plan diagram from Light Medium Industrial (LMl) to Commerical with an automatic amendment to the East Main Refinement Plan for approximately ...
  • Eugene-Springfield (Eugene-Springfield, 2007-07-19)
    The applicant applied for a Zoning Map Amendment concurrently with a Metro Plan / Refinement Plan map Amendment (LRP2007-00013). The applicant proposed to rezone the subject properties from Light Medium Industrial (LMI) ...
  • Eugene-Springfield (Eugene-Springfield, 2007-03-02)
    Eugene City Council adopted Ordinance No. 20377 amending the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) diagram to amend the Metro Plan designation and zoning of the property known as the Oregon Motor ...
  • Eugene-Springfield (Eugene-Springfield, 2007-06-21)
    Amend the Metro Plan Diagram from Campus Industrial (CI) (56 acres) to: Community Commercial (CC) 11 acres, Commercial/Nodal Development Area (C/NDA) (26 acres) and Medium Density Residential/NDA (MDR/NDA) (19 acres). The ...
  • Eugene-Springfield (Eugene-Springfield, 2006-02-02)
    Responding to the LUBA Remand of Provisions in Ordinance No. PA 1209 and Amending _ that Ordinance by Adoption of a New Exhibit 'B' Showing Modifications to the EugeneSpringfield Metropolitan Area Public Facilities and ...
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2007-06-21)
    Amend the Springfield Zoning Map from Campus Industrial (CI) (56 acres) to: Community Commercial (CC) 11 acres, Mixed-Use Commercial (MUC) (26 acres) and Medium Density Residential (MDR) (19 acres). The effective date of ...
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2007-02-28)
    Amend the Springfield Zoning Map changing the zoning of the subject property from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commerical.
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2012-12-07)
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2012-04-11)
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2010-01-22)
    The Springfield Zoning Map was amended by expanding the eastern boundary of Springfield Memorial Gardens Cemetery to accommodate an existing mausoleum building and burial plots. Approximately 2.95 acres of Low Density ...
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2010-02-09)
    The City of Springfield unilaterally adopted amendments to the Public Facilities and Services Plan, a functional plan of the adopted Metro Plan. The plan amendments update and revise the lists and maps of significant ...
  • Springfield (Or.) (Springfield, 2010-02-25)

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