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Browsing Redmond, Oregon Planning Documents by Issue Date


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  • Redmond (Or.); Walker-Macy; Barney & Worth, Inc.; Steele Associates Architects; Hickman, Williams & Associates (City of Redmond (Or.), 2000-08)
    In August 1995, the Redmond City Council established an urban renewal district which includes the downtown area, the 5th and 6th Street corridor north of downtown, some industrial lands, and the former Deschutes ...
  • Redmond (Or.) (City of Redmond (Or.), 2001-06-22)
    Redmond's Comprehensive land use planning, required by Oregon law, creates goals and policies that support good jobs and affordable homes, protects natural resources, and preserves historic buildings. The Comprehensive ...
  • Redmond (Or.) (City of Redmond (Or.), 2004-11-23)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Dugger, Vicki; SERA Architects; Redmond (Or.); Oregon Downtown Development Association (City of Redmond (Or.), 2004-12)
    This Next Steps Report serves as a follow-up to the on- and off-site work that included a review of existing plans, codes, Urban Renewal projects and information gathered from downtown stakeholders. The purpose of this ...
  • Redmond (Or.); Coffman Associates (City of Redmond (Or.), 2006)
    The recommended master plan concept, depicted on Exhibit 5A, provides for anticipated airside and landside needs over the twenty-year planning period (the aerial photograph used in this exhibit was taken in July ...
  • Dugger, Vicki; Marketek, Inc.; Redmond (Or.); David Evans and Associates; Johnson Gardner; SERA Architects; Oregon Downtown Development Association (City of Redmond (Or.), 2006-05)
    The City and Urban Renewal Board actively implement the 2000 Downtown Action. Specifically, many components of the plan have been successfully implemented â including streetscape and alley enhancements, and the ...
  • Redmond (Or.); Oregon Downtown Development Association; SERA Architects (City of Redmond (Or.), 2006-05)
    The focus of Redmond’s Downtown Architectural Design Standards is pedestrian-oriented street life, which has long been hampered by heavy traffic volumes and freight movement along US97. The Downtown Design Standards originate ...
  • Redmond (Or.); Marketek, Inc. (City of Redmond (Or.), 2006-05)
    The purpose of this analysis is to: provide a comprehensive assessment of potential market support for retail uses in the downtown Redmond commercial district; create an accurate picture of Redmond’s retail industry including ...
  • Redmond (Or.) (Redmond, 2006-10-25)
    Update of Article I/ Development Code "Zoning Regulations" Changes proposed to uses permitted in most zones Allows 2 new types of planned developments to offer creative development and infill opprotunities Allows accessory ...
  • Redmond (Or.) (Redmond, 2006-11-06)
    Remove the Historic Safeway Store from the Historic Landmarks Inventory.
  • Redmond (Or.); Project Wildfire; Lighthall, Kate (City of Redmond (Or.), 2006-11-19)
    This document outlines the priorities, strategies and action plans for fuels reduction treatments in the greater Redmond wildland urban interface. This CWPP also addresses special areas of concern and makes recommendations ...
  • Redmond (Or.); SERA Architects; Johnson Gardner; H & A Construction (City of Redmond (Or.), 2007-04-27)
    The Downtown Preliminary Development Plan lays out a development vision that is intended to reinvigorate Redmondâ s Down-town core. It envisions a unique, mixed-use heart for Redmond that responds to and strengthens ...
  • Redmond (Or.) (Redmond, 2007-05-15)
    Amendments revise Comp Plan policies and Development code to limit access near North Redmond US 97 interchange; revises TSP to add local street connectivity plan, signal plan, and other street network projects. This was ...
  • Redmond (Or.) (Redmond, 2007-06-15)
    To change the comprehensive plan map and zone designation on approximately 40 acres of land (Deschutes County Assessor's map tax lot#15-13-29D-1100) from M-1, Light industrial to C-5, Tourist Commerical. The property is ...
  • Redmond (Or.) (Redmond, 2007-06-25)
    The City of Redmond has adopted an ordinance amending Chapter 8, Article V of the Redmond Development Code. The amendment revises and adds language related to the use, limitations, and enforcement of temporary banners ...
  • Redmond (Or.) (Redmond, 2007-08-30)
    Adopt Northwest Area Plan (NAP) and US 97 Highway Area Plan (HAP) maps for about 780 acres in north Redmond. The City Council unanimously adopted the Plans and designate Comprehensive Plan map designations to implement the ...
  • Redmond (Or.); David Evans and Associates (City of Redmond (Or.), 2008-01)
    The general purpose of the plan is to: update the previous plan by listing park improvements accomplished; identify and locate proposed new parks in relation to the UGB expansion; establish a range of park types (e.g. ...
  • Redmond (Or.); DKS Associates; Angelo Planning Group; FCS Group (City of Redmond (Or.), 2008-02)
    In June 1999, the City of Redmond adopted their first Transportation System Plan (TSP). Since that time, there have been significant growth and planned growth in Redmond and its surrounding communities, and a few key ...
  • Redmond (Or.) (City of Redmond (Or.), 2008-03-11)
    With expansion of the UGB, there became an immediate need to update all existing infrastructure master plans to determine necessary new public infrastructure facilities within the new 2,299 acre expansion areas. Given ...
  • Redmond (Or.) (Redmond, 2008-05-22)
    Adopt the "Public Facility Plan (PFP)." The new master plans for Parks, Water and Wastewater are incorporated into the PFP by reference. The Master Plans and PFP show what facilities are needed to develop the acknowledged ...

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