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  • Smirnov, Oleg; Arrow, Holly; Kennett, Douglas J.; Orbell, John (University of Chicago Press, 2007-11)
    Primatological and archeological evidence along with anthropological accounts of hunter-gatherer societies indicate that lethal between-group violence may have been sufficiently frequent during our ancestral past to have ...
  • Cook, Jonathan E.; Arrow, Holly; Malle, Bertram F. (SAGE Publications, 2011)
    An experience sampling study examined the degree to which feeling stereotyped predicts feelings of low power and inhibition among stigmatized and nonstigmatized individuals. For 7 days, participants with a concealable (gay ...
  • Smith, Zachary; Arrow, Holly (Journal of the Evolutionary Studies Consortium, 2010)
    Religion is a cultural universal that has puzzled evolutionists since Darwin. The moral, social, emotional, and explanatory components that make up complex religious systems offer both evolutionary benefits and costs. ...
  • Arrow, Holly; McGrath, Joseph E. (SAGE Publications, 1993-08-03)
    A framework for integrating diverse aspects of membership dynamics is outlined, and 10 propositions about membership change and its impact on group structure, process, and performance are presented. Data from a longitudinal ...
  • Wolfe, Andrea L.; Arrow, Holly (American Psychological Association, 2013-09-09)
    When deployed U.S. soldiers attempt to influence the attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors of civilians, success can save lives and failure can be deadly. Survey data from 228 military personnel with deployment experience to ...
  • Hannagan, Rebecca J.; Arrow, Holly (Taylor and Francis Group, 2011)
    This article presents an evolutionary framework for understanding the sexual assault of women in the military. We specify the evolutionary underpinnings of tensions among heterosexual males, among heterosexual females, and ...
  • Sutcliffe, Alistair; Dunbar, Robin; Binder, Jens; Arrow, Holly (Wiley, 2012)
    Psychological studies of relationships tend to focus on specific types of close personal relationships (romantic, parent–offspring, friendship) and examine characteristics of both the individuals and the dyad. This paper ...
  • Arrow, Holly (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2007-10-26)
    Simulations show that war drives the joint evolution of altruism and hostility to outsiders.
  • Crosson, Scott, 1970-; Orbell, John; Arrow, Holly (SAGE Publications, 2004)
    The theory of clubs addresses the gap between purely private and purely public goods, being concerned with how groups (‘clubs’) form to provide themselves with goods that are available to their membership, but from which ...
  • Arrow, Holly (American Psychological Association, 1997)
    Three models of change and continuity in group structure are tested using existing longitudinal data on 20 small groups. Groups met face to face or via a computer-mediated communication system for 13 weeks. Computer-mediated ...
  • Henry, Kelly Bouas; Arrow, Holly; Carini, Barbara (SAGE Publications, 1999-10-05)
    Group identification is defined as member identification with an interacting group and is distinguished conceptually from social identity, cohesion, and common fate. Group identification is proposed to have three sources: ...

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