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Browsing Junction City, Oregon Planning Documents by Title


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  • Junction City (Or.) (City of Junction City, 2002-08-07)
    This document was written during the early part of the 1980s. Much of the statistics and description of current conditions must be viewed with this in mind. Because this document is being revised, many of the figures and ...
  • Lane Council of Governments (Or.); Junction City (Or.) (Lane Council of Governments, 1973-11-13)
    [T]he Comprehensive Development Plan for the City of Junction City, Oregon, was submitted to public hearing and was adopted by the City Council of Junction City sitting in regular council session November 13, 1973, ...
  • ECO Northwest, Ltd.; Junction City (Or.) (City of Junction City (Or.), 2008-07-10)
    The work program provides detail on how the City expects to complete this work. While the work program specifies multiple products for each task, the project can be distilled into several key products: economic opportunities ...
  • Junction City (Or.) (City of Junction City (Or.), 2006-09-06)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Junction City (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.) (City of Junction City (Or.), 2003-06-24)
    The plan creates a vision for Junction City’s downtown and will be the basis for future transportation-related capital improvements and land uses in the downtown. The proposed projects shown in this plan are intended to ...
  • Junction City (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.) (City of Junction City (Or.), 2000-03)
    The Junction City Transportation System Plan (TSP) is the long-range policy document that guides transportation planning within Junction City’s urban growth boundary (UGB) for the next 20 years. The plan will be updated ...
  • Junction City (Or.) (Junction City, 2007-05-21)
    Amend Floodplain Ordinance based on Community Assistance Visit comments. Specifically, the code amendments will include revisions to definitions for below grade crawlspace and language regulating below grade crawlspaces ...
  • Junction City (Or.) (Junction City, 2007-06-18)
  • Junction City (Or.) (Junction City, 2007-07-02)
    The applicant is requesting to rezone property from Exclusive Farm Use in Lane County to General Commercial in Junction City. On April 20, 2007 the Boundary Commission approved annexation of the subject property to the ...
  • Junction City (Or.) (Junction City, 2007-10-15)
    Amendment to Comprehensive Plan Map of 1 city block from Industrial to Commercial and Rezoned from Light Indistrial to General Commercial.
  • Junction City (Or.) (Junction City, 2008-01-14)
    Amendments to the Junction City Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance to establish a process to review annexations, withdrawals, and extraterritoral extensions, consistent with ORS 222.
  • Junction City (Or.) (Junction City, 2008-11-18)
    Annexation and zoning of 80 acres of property designated Professional Technical and Open Space Overlay in the City's Comp Plan and zoned EFU (county zone). As part of Annexation, the City requires the property to be zoned ...
  • Junction City (Or.) (Junction City, 2009-04-01)
  • Junction City (Or.) (Junction City, 2014-10-23)
  • Junction City (Or.) (Junction City, 2014-11-24)
  • Junction City (Or.) (Junction City, 2015-04-16)
  • Junction City (Or.) (Junction City, 2015-11-18)

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