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Browsing Oregon Local Documents (Cities) by Title


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  • University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop (City of Silverton (Or.), 2005-01)
  • Adair Village; Driscoll, Daniel B.; Architectural Associates (City of Adair Village (Or.), 2001)
    The Adair Village Comprehensive Plan 2001 contains background data, policies and recommendations relative to existing conditions, issues, problems and needs. This is the first update of the Plan since acknowledgment by the ...
  • Adair Village (City of Adair Village (Or.), 2000)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Adair Village (Adair Village, 2006-03-03)
  • Adair Village (Adair Village, 2007-09-19)
    1. Amendment to City's acknowledged comprehensive plan. Addition of new growth management principles, environmental section, economy section, population of economy section, housing section, land use section, public facilities ...
  • Adair Village (Adair Village, 2008-07-08)
    Amends text of Comprehensive Plan Section 9.800, Growth Management, Policy 4 regarding planned residential densities for urban growth boundary expansion areas. Amendment clarifies ambiguity identified by Court of Appeals ...
  • Adair Village (Adair Village, 2008-10-15)
    The Adopted Amendment approves a revised need for an additional 127.5 acres to be included in the Adair Village ( )mprehensive Plan Urban Growth Boundary in compliance with the criteria of Goal 14 and OAR 660-24-0040. The ...
  • Adams (Or.) (City of Adams (Or.), 1978-05-23)
    This Comprehensive Plan is intended to guide its future development in a manner that will insure the livability of the community, promote an orderly, efficient pattern of growth, and conserve the natural resources of ...
  • Adams (Or.); David Evans and Associates; Oregon. Dept. of Transportation (City of Adams (Or.), 2003-04-08)
    The Adams Transportation System Plan (TSP) guides the management of existing transportation facilities and the design and implementation of future facilities for the next 20 years. This Transportation System Plan constitutes ...
  • Adams (Or.) (Adams, 2010-07-19)
  • Adams (Or.) (Adams, 2011-11-07)
  • Adrian (Or.); Malheur County (Or.) (Malheur County (Or.), 1978-02)
    The policies outlined in the plan will be the guides for any change and development in the community and will serve as the base of any future city rules and ordinances. [From the Plan]
  • Adrian (Or.); W&H Pacific; TriLand Design Group (City of Adrian (Or.), 2001-06-07)
    The plan was developed through a series of technical analyses combined with input from County and ODOT staff. Key elements of the process included: involving the City of Adrian (Chapter 1); reviewing Existing Plans and ...
  • Albany (Or.) (City of Albany (Or.), 2004-04-20)
    In each section of this Capital Improvement Program, you will find detailed information about each project planned over the next five years. You will also see the known unfunded projects that are needed to maintain ...
  • Albany (Or.) (City of Albany (Or.), 2006-04-12)
    Each section of the report deals with a major infrastructure service the City provides. You will find separate sections for parks, water, wastewater, transportation, public facilities, and revitalization. There is also a ...
  • Albany (Or.) (City of Albany (Or.), 2007-01-15)
    The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a planning document that identifies capital projects in the next five-year horizon for elected officials, citizens, and staff. The first year of the CIP will be the basis for developing ...
  • Albany (Or.) (City of Albany (Or.), 2008-04-23)
    The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a planning document that identifies capital projects in the next five-year horizon for elected officials, citizens, and staff. The first year of the CIP will be the basis for developing ...
  • Albany (Or.) (City of Albany (Or.), 2008)
    The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a planning document that identifies capital projects in the next five-year horizon for elected officials, citizens, and staff. The first year of the CIP will be the basis for developing ...
  • Albany (Or.) (City of Albany (Or.), 2002-09)
    CARA Goal: To revitalize the Central Albany Revitalization Area by implementing the Town Center Plan developed through the Central Albany Land Use and Transportation Study (CALUTS) using a citizen-driven process. CARA ...
  • Albany (Or.); Albany (Or.). Community Development Dept. (City of Albany (Or.), 2004-08-11)
    PURPOSE The Albany Comprehensive Plan provides a framework for making better decisions about the uses of land and its resources. It is a guideline for both short- and long- term development. The Plan identifies existing ...

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