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Oregon Local Documents (Regional): Recent submissions

  • Port of Portland (Or.) (Port of Portland (Or.), 2007-02-14)
    The magnitude of regional transportation access investments and their financing are addressed in Metro's Regional Transportation Plan, Metro's Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) and the State Transportation ...
  • Port of Portland (Or.) (Port of Portland (Or.), 2006-02)
    The magnitude of regional transportation access investments and their financing are addressed in Metro's Regional Transportation Plan,Metro's Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) and the State Transportation ...
  • Port of Portland (Or.); Jacobs Consultancy (Port of Portland (Or.), 2005-03)
    The purpose of this study was to update the 1994 Terminal Access Study, addressing all Airport access modes, including pedestrians, bicycles, buses/vans, light rail, private vehicles, and rental cars. [From the document]
  • Port of Portland (Or.) (Port of Portland (Or.), 2003-10)
    This plan is intended to address bicycle and pedestrian facility and circulation needs on the landside of Portland International Airport (PDX) property. [From the Plan]
  • Port of Portland (Or.); Martin Associates (Port of Portland (Or.), 2003-10-23)
    In addition to the quantification of the economic impacts and the linkages to the local economic sectors, the scope of analysis also includes a narrative of the distribution industry serving the Portland region, as well ...
  • Port of Portland (Or.) (Port of Portland (Or.), 2009)
    The Port Transportation Improvement Plan is a multimodal compilation of marine terminal, road, rail, waterway, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian projects, normally identified through transportation and other studies managed ...
  • Port of Portland (Or.) (Port of Portland (Or.), 2007)
    This strategic plan seeks to focus the Port’s energies on five strategic objectives. It explains the context in which the Port will operate during the next three to five years and the strategies that the Port will employ ...
  • Rogue Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization; HDR Engineering (Rogue Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization, 2007-03)
    The Rogue Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (RVMPO) has taken the lead to see if the CORP facilities may be more fully utilized to expand transportation options in the region. The MPO has commissioned a number ...
  • Port of Portland (Or.); P&D Aviation; Century West Engineering Corporation; David Evans and Associates; DKS Associates; Synergy Consultants; Unison Consulting Group; Fletcher Farr Ayotte (Port of Portland (Or.), 2000-09)
    The objective of the Airport Master Plan is to provide a 20-year road-map for improvements at the Airport. The recommended development must satisfy aviation demand, yet be compatible with the environment, community ...
  • Martin Associates; Port of Portland (Or.) (Port of Portland (Or.), 2007-01-31)
    Economic activity due to the movement of marine cargo, air passengers and cargo and real estate activity at the Port’s industrial and business parks contributes to the local and regional economy by providing employment ...
  • Port of Portland (Or.); Jacobs Consultancy; HNTB Corporation; Alcantar & Associates; Cephas, Inc.; David Evans and Associates; DKS Associates; NEXTOR; Zimmer Gunsul Frasca; Parametrix, Inc.; Synergy Consultants; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (Port of Portland (Or.), 2008-09)
    This technical memorandum presents an inventory of existing conditions (Inventory) related to the role of Portland International Airport (the Airport, or PDX) within the region, its current operations and facilities, and ...
  • Port of Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Jacobs Consultancy; Alcantar & Associates; Cephas, Inc.; David Evans and Associates; DKS Associates; NEXTOR; Parametrix, Inc.; Synergy Consultants; Zimmer Gunsul Frasca (Port of Portland (Or.), 2008-09)
    This technical memorandum summarizes the aviation demand forecasts prepared for the 2010 Portland International Airport Master Plan Update. This technical memorandum also provides historical data on the regional population ...
  • Port of Portland (Or.); W&H Pacific (Port of Portland (Or.), 2008-04)
    The Port and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) initiated a Master Plan Update project in 2006. An Airport Master Plan is a 20-year guide that outlines how the physical development of an airport can satisfy ...
  • Port of Portland (Or.); Coffman Associates; W&H Pacific; Jeanne Lawson Associates; Angelo Eaton & Associates; Greenfield, Mark J.; Natural Resource Planning Services, Inc. (Port of Portland (Or.), 2005-05)
    The Hillsboro Airport Master Plan study was undertaken to evaluate the airport's capabilities and role, to forecast future aviation demand, and to plan for the timely development of new or expanded facilities that may ...
  • Port of Coos Bay (Or.); Benkendorf Associates; Landrum & Brown; Coffman Associates; W&H Pacific; Richard Turi Architecture & Planning (Port of Coos Bay (Or.), 2002-11)
    The master plan consists of eight different chapters, as follows: executive summary; inventory; forecasts; facility requirements; airport alternatives; terminal siting/alternatives; financial plan; airport plans. ...
  • Metro (Or.); Yee, Dennis (Metro (Or.), 1999-04-06)
    [T]he Employment Density Study: update[s] and determine[s] current job density parameters; provide[s] current observed findings of FARs and building densities which could be used to populate ZELDA; offer[s] a basis or ...
  • Metro (Or.); Yee, Dennis (Metro (Or.), 1998-05)
    This paper describes Metro’s regional model and presents the empirical estimates and some results from our study. It is shown that the Metro model contains reasonable parameter estimates and produces forecast estimates ...
  • Metro (Or.) (Metro (Or.), 2005-11-17)
    The 2040 Growth Concept reflects the things the people who live here value most: access to nature; protecting habitats for wildlife and people; safe and stable neighborhoods; transportation choices; resources for ...
  • Metro (Or.); North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District; Metro (Or.). Regional Parks and Greenspaces Dept.; Adolfson Associates; JD White (Firm) (Metro (Or.), 2004-01)
    The proposed Trolley Trail will run along a historic corridor once used by a streetcar line that operated between Portland and Oregon City.... acquired a 6-mile stretch of the historic rail corridor between downtown ...
  • Metro (Or.); Nelson, Arthur C. (Metro (Or.), 2008-10-08)
    Challenge Ahead: business-as-usual rooted in the past; different realities: demographic, housing preference, increasing demand for "urbanity" especially in suburbs; energy constraints; global shifts in financial ...

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