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Undergraduate Works: Recent submissions

  • Glaunert, Emma (University of Oregon, 2021)
    In the 21st century, racial and ethnic disparities have been at the forefront of social justice movements, and yet, it is important to interrogate these disparities across U.S. history. American Indians and Alaskan Native ...
  • Ginieczki, Taylor (University of Oregon, 2021)
    The multilateral, US-led intervention in Bosnia in 1995 is often upheld as a quintessential example of humanitarian intervention. However, essential questions remain about the precise reasons for US involvement, and this ...
  • Garrison, Anna (University of Oregon, 2021)
    Macrocyclic angle-strained alkynes with unique size-dependent fluorescence have the potential to be used as bioorthogonal reagents for innovative biological imaging purposes. Previous analyses of [n+1]cycloparaphenylenes ...
  • Francis, John (University of Oregon, 2021)
    Animal behaviors result from complex network activity in the brain. Precise excitation and inhibition within these networks are partially regulated by neuromodulatory systems that regulate the behavior of other neurons. ...
  • Fear, Karly (University of Oregon, 2021)
    Mechanical stimulus in the form of exercise is known to improve bone formation during fracture healing. At a scale orders of magnitude smaller than this functional loading, mechanical stimulus delivered at high frequency ...
  • Evans, Sidney; McNamara, Liam; Werts, Holly (University of Oregon, 2021)
    After World War II the Chinese mainland fell into civil war between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Republic of China (ROC). The leaders of the ROC fell back to Taiwan and formed, essentially, a new nation. This ...
  • Eleanor, Froehlich (University of Oregon, 2021)
    Family Aplodontidae is made of a number of extant and extinct species that include the modern mountain beaver and show a wide range of morphological diversity. I identified a fossil aplodontid jaw from the John Day Formation ...
  • DiMinno, Sammy (University of Oregon, 2021)
    The purpose of this research is to examine how female athletes are framed and covered in the media in regard to both pregnancy and motherhood. The media plays an important role in framing women’s sport and how the media ...
  • Cullen, Isabelle; Acosta-King, Jared; Yeh, Dorian (University of Oregon, 2021)
    Olfactomotor responses are respiratory, orofacial, and locomotive movements for sampling and reacting to odors (Rabell et al. 2017, Kurnikova, Deschênes, and Kleinfeld 2019, Findley et al. 2020, Johnson et al 2003, Wesson ...
  • Crabtree, Isabel (University of Oregon, 2021)
    Implicit attitudes about social groups are often associated with the language varieties used by those groups. As a result, listeners not only make social evaluations based on a person’s language and accent, but may also ...
  • Colby, Honour; Haffner, Dalton (University of Oregon, 2021)
    This case study measured the difference in energy usage in a single bedroom to examine if unplugging appliances, when not being used, will significantly affect the energy bill. Appliances consume energy even when they are ...
  • Cohen, Noa (University of Oregon, 2021)
    Adult male investment in immatures is uncommon in non-human primates and varies from costly infant-carrying in callitrichids to affiliation in cercopithecines. Several evolutionary hypotheses can explain the variation in ...
  • Chang, Anabel (University of Oregon, 2021)
    The Marcus Group uses fluorescence spectroscopy to study the dynamics of macromolecules and molecular systems in biological environments. In this project we perform single molecule measurements on double-stranded (ds) DNA ...
  • Capage, Mikala; Jacob, Evarts (University of Oregon, 2021)
    Prion proteins, although commonly associated with neurodegenerative diseases, are not universally harmful to cells. Instead, prions may allow cells to alter their phenotype in response to adverse environmental conditions ...
  • Bui, Alexander; Imhof, Andrea (University of Oregon, 2021)
    Research has shown responsive caregiving may mitigate the effects of early childhood stress on socio-cognitive development. To evaluate the quality of caregiver-child interaction, the Simple Interactions (SI) Tool is used ...
  • Bordeaux, Leo; Trefny, Kyle (University of Oregon, 2021)
    The People’s Republic of China is home to one of the largest LGBTQ communities on the planet. However, according to the UN, an overwhelming majority of queer Chinese individuals hide their sexuality in their daily lives. ...
  • Blaylock, Hunter (University of Oregon, 2021)
    Maternal obesity has been shown to negatively impact offspring's metabolic health, leading to a greater and earlier risk for developing metabolic diseases, including type 2 diabetes. This presents a serious concern given ...
  • Bissert, Trevor; Frank, Lea (University of Oregon, 2021)
    The hippocampus aids in remembering and linking a variety of experiences in order to form general representations of the world. Previous research shows that anterior hippocampus supports generalized memory, while posterior ...
  • Benadjaoud, Youri (University of Oregon, 2021)
    The medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) is prevalent in self-referential and social cognition tasks, often found to be split between the ventral MPFC and dorsal MPFC with the former engaging in self-reference and the latter ...
  • Beaudoin, Sarah (University of Oregon, 2021)
    Electrolysis, also known as water splitting, consists of two half-reactions occurring within an electrolytic cell that make possible the extraction of storable and non-pollutive hydrogen gas. Anion-exchange membrane (AEM) ...

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