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Umatilla National Forest: Recent submissions

  • Pomeroy Ranger District (Or. and Wash.) (2007-02)
    Supplement was issued in response to 9th Court of Appeals decision of February 12, 2007, finding the Project inconsistent with the Forest Plan by inappropriately implementing the "prohibition on logging of any 'live tree' ...
  • Pomeroy Ranger District (Or. and Wash.) (2006-04-20)
    Proposes to salvage harvest, reforest salvage units, treat activity fuels, and remove potential danger trees within area damaged by the August 2005 fire. Includes salvaging dead and dying trees from an estimated 9432 acres, ...
  • Walla Walla Ranger District (Wash.) (2005-06)
    EA proposes to reduce fuels in seven areas that cover approximately 4301 acres using prescribed fire (3000 acres), handcutting, piling and burning of fuels (53 acres), and timber harvest (220 acres). Timber harvest would ...
  • Pomeroy Ranger District (Or. and Wash.) (2006-08-18)
    EA proposes to continue authorization of domestic livestock grazing for a total of 222 cow/calf pairs with adjustments based on monitoring. Decision notice announces implementation of a modified Alternative 1 of project ...
  • Pomeroy Ranger District (Or. and Wash.) (2006-07-10)
    EA proposes to salvage harvest, reforest salvage units, treat activity fuels, and remove potential danger trees within area damaged by the August 2005 fire. Includes salvaging fire-killed (dead) and fire-damaged (dying) ...
  • North Fork John Day Ranger District (Or.) (2002-06)
    Proposes to approve 16 plans of operation for mining claims located within the Granite watershed. Key issues include the effects continued mining would have on the water quality of Granite and Clear Creeks, listed on ...
  • Walla Walla Ranger District (Wash.) (2007-02-19)
    Proposes to use fuel treatments in the Upper Grande Ronde Watersheds to reduce surface and aerial fuels on approximately 2,870 acres using various treatments including timber harvest and prescribed fire. Includes harvesting ...
  • North Fork John Day Ranger District (Or.); Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2007-07)
    EA proposes to reauthorize livestock grazing and implement protective measures for sensitive plants and improved livestock distribution. Includes improving or maintaining upland vegetation conditions and allowing for forage ...
  • Pomeroy Ranger District (Or. and Wash.) (2008-05-19)
    Announces decision to implement project stemming from 2006 Columbia Complex Fire, which burned 39,000 acres in the Pomeroy Ranger District. Includes treating danger trees adjacent to approximately 43 miles of Forest System roads.
  • North Fork John Day Ranger District (Or.) (2007-05-20)
    Announces decision to commercially thin 170 MBF from 70 acres along 1-2 miles of Forest Roads 5209 and 5209-916 in order to improve sustainability and promote stand vigor by reducing competition for light, nutrients, and ...
  • Pomeroy Ranger District (Or. and Wash.) (2008-06-09)
    Announces implementation of project to non-commercially thin 2500 acres over 5 years in 12 areas to reduce tree stocking levels to increase growth and vigor of desirable trees in a stand, decrease density-dependent mortality, ...
  • Pomeroy Ranger District (Or. and Wash.) (2008-04)
    EA proposes to amend Umatilla Management Plan to establish a 1900 acre area as the Wenahee Breaks Research Natural Area within the boundary of the Wenaha-Tucannon Wilderness, approximately 15 air miles west of Troy, Oregon. ...
  • North Fork John Day Ranger District (Or.) (2007-04-13)
    Proposes to commercially cut approximately 6,327 acres, non-commercially thin 469 acres and landscape burn up to 7,130 acres to reduce live tree stocking, alter stand structure and species composition, and reduce future ...
  • Walla Walla Ranger District (Wash.) (2007-07-20)
    Announces decision to implement project in response to 2006 fire. Includes removal of dead trees that represent a threat or danger to public safety, harvesting trees before decay and deterioration occur, securing revenue ...
  • Heppner Ranger District (Or.) (2008-03)
    Proposes vegetation and fuels management on about 13,900 acres to improve the health, and vigor of the upland forest, and reduce the potential for future fires of uncharacteristic effects in upland forests through the ...
  • Pomeroy Ranger District (Or. and Wash.) (2007-06-11)
    Announces decision to implement project stemming from 2006 Columbia Complex Fire, which burned 39,000 acres of Pomeroy Ranger District. Includes removing trees on 250 acres along 20 miles of haul routes, construction of ...
  • North Fork John Day Ranger District (Or.) (2007-05-20)
    Announces that commercial thinning will be used to harvest approximately 140 MBF from 69 acres located along less than one mile of Forest Roads 5916-088 and 5916-085. Treatment will improve sustainability and promote stand ...
  • Umatilla National Forest (Agency : U.S.); North Fork John Day Ranger District (Or.); EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc.; Millennium Science and Engineering, Inc. (2002-12)
    Contains several documents, including abbreviated preliminary assessments of each of the Ajax and Magnolia mines, a site inspection of the two mines, a public participation plan, and an engineering evaluation/cost analysis ...
  • Pomeroy Ranger District (Or. and Wash.) (2002-08)
    Provides analysis of Umatilla National Forest lands within the watershed, characterizing the historic and current biotic and abiotic conditions. Findings include a declining vegetation diversity, 55% of the upland forest ...
  • Heppner Ranger District (Or.); North Fork John Day Ranger District (Or.) (2004-12)
    Provides analysis of historic and current physical and biological conditions of the watershed. Hydrology concerns include maintaining and improving adequate water supplies, maintaining and restoring water quality, and ...

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