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Wallowa-Whitman National Forest: Recent submissions

  • Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-11)
    Proposes several alternatives for project initiating tree thinning, fuel reduction, and rehabilitation work, including placing large wood into Five Points Creek.
  • Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-11-26)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 5 of project EA, to restrict motorized use in the Sled Springs area to designated routes. Upon establishment of the trail system, or implementation of the Forest-wide ...
  • Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-11)
    Proposes to establish a 166-mile OHV trail system in the Sled Springs area. This OHV trail system would be for all-terrain vehicles and motorcycles. The proposal consists of converting 71 miles of existing roads into ...
  • Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2009-01)
    The Upper Grande Ronde Mine Tailings Restoration Project would remove and/or redistribute mine tailings as far away from the wetted edge of the upper Grande Ronde River as possible. A total of 18 sites would have mine ...
  • Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2006-08)
    Assesses site consisting of a large collapsed adit and approximately 3000cy of wasterock material adjacent to Granite Creek. A Niton XLt found that most metals at the site exceeded screening criteria for birds, invertebrates, ...
  • Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2006-08)
    Assesses site consisting of four collapsed adits, one of which has water discharge, and 6000-80000cy of wasterock materials, most of which is adjacent to Granite Creek. There are numerous trenches and apparent hydraulic ...
  • North Fork John Day Ranger District (Or.); Baker Ranger District (Or.) (1993-06)
    Proposes to develop a management plan that will address resource protection, development of lands and facilities, user capacities, and other management practices necessary or desirable to achieve the purpose of the Act. ...
  • United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region (2007-02-20)
    Documents, pursuant to the guidelines of the National Oil and Hazardous Substance Contingency Plan (NCP), the decision to initiate a CERCLA investigation in nine locations at the Granite Creek Tributary Mines site. A Site ...
  • Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (Agency : U.S.); EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. (2004-01)
    Documents Site Inspection performed by EA Engineering at five Granite Creek Mines: Monumental, Cap Martin, Sheridan, Tillicum, and Central. The objectives were to access the immediate or potential threat posed by wastes ...
  • Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2007-02-20)
    Documents, pursuant to the Guidelines of the National Oil and Hazardous Substance Contingency Plan (NCP), the decision to initiate a CERCLA investigation in nine locations at the Granite Creek Tributary Mines site. A Site ...
  • La Grande Ranger District (Or.) (2002)
    Documents the completed update for the 1994 Upper Grande Ronde Watershed Analysis, investigating needs, opportunities, priorities, effects, and success measurements. Includes description, issues, key questions and relevant ...
  • Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2006-08)
    Assesses mine site on moderately steep side slopes consisting of four collapsed adits and about 1500cy of wasterock. A Niton XLt unit found most metals detected at the site exceeded screening criteria for birds, invertebrates, ...
  • La Grande Ranger District (Or.) (2006-12)
    Evaluates actions to restore and enhance ecosystems, and reduce fire danger by fuels and density reduction treatments. Includes prescribed burning, precommercial and commercial timber thinning, and road closures.
  • La Grande Ranger District (Or.) (2007-02-22)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 3 of the project EA, emphasizing retention of critical high quality cover and connective corridor areas to provide cover and connectivity habitat while other overstocked stands ...
  • La Grande Ranger District (Or.) (2006-04-06)
    Environmental assessment reviews proposed activities to respond to fire risks in the area deferred from the original Mt. Emily project within mapped lynx habitat, by modifying fuels and potential fire behavior on public ...
  • La Grande Ranger District (Or.) (2005-02-25)
    Environmental assessment reviews proposed activities designed to reduce fuels and associated fire behavior in the stands of timber adjacent to or within the wildland urban interface on Mt. Emily. Activities include ...
  • Wallowa Valley Ranger District (Or.) (2005-09-23)
    FEIS reviews proposed activities to allocate forage for commercial livestock grazing on eleven allotments near Joseph Creek. Record of Decision announces implementation of Alternative 3 modified of the project FEIS, which ...
  • Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2006-08)
    Assesses mine site consisting of a large collapsed adit and approximately 700cy of wasterock material adjacent to Granite Creek, with numerous trenches stemming from hydraulic mining and possible historic dredging operations. ...
  • Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2006-08)
    Assesses mine site consisting of a large collapsed adit and approximately 1000cy of wasterock material, which is adjacent to a small ephemeral tributary to Granite Creek. A Niton XLt unit found that most metals at the site ...
  • Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-08)
    Assesses mine site on moderately steep side slopes, consisting of two adits, associated wasterock and tailing ponds, one with water treatment facilities and miscellaneous buildings. A Niton XLt unit found that all metals ...

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