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Roads Analysis Reports


Roads Analysis reports are produced for certain defined areas with the National Forests. The purpose of roads analysis reports is to provide decision makers with the information necessary for developing road systems that are safe and responsive to public and agency needs and desires, are affordable and efficiently managed, have minimal negative ecological effects on the land, and are in balance with available funding for needed management actions.

Recent Submissions

  • Ochoco National Forest (Agency : U.S.); Deschutes National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2003-01)
    Provides Line Officers with information necessary to identify and manage a safe, efficient, environmentally sound road system that is responsive to public and agency needs. Recommendations include adjusting maintenance ...
  • Deschutes National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (1997-12)
    Provides analysis focusing on the three primary issues of the watershed: vegetative health and sustainability; increased recreational use and the associated resource impacts to wildlife, vegetation, soils, and water quality; ...
  • Sisters Ranger District (Or.) (2003-04)
    Analyzes road conditions on the 66.8 square miles of land accessed by 161.3 miles of road. Six-part process includes: setting up the analysis, describing the situation, identifying issues, assessing benefits, problems and ...
  • Crescent Ranger District (Or.) (2003-05)
    Provides analysis at the project level, and is limited in scope to the Crescent Lake WUI area, some 12, 030 acres. Includes setting up the analysis, describing the situation, identifying the issues, assessing benefits, ...
  • Crescent Ranger District (Or.) (2003-10)
    Provides analysis at the project level, and is limited in scope to the Davis Fire area and the Closure area, some 21,000 acres. Includes description of the situation; assessment of the benefits, problems, and risks; ...
  • Crescent Ranger District (Or.) (2002-12)
    Analyzes road conditions on the 80,375 acres of the watershed, in an area of unevenly distributed roads. Six-part process consists of: setting up the analysis, describing the situation, identifying the issues, assessing ...
  • Siuslaw National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2003-01)
    Provides a compilation of information useful for making informed decisions about road management by looking at Key Forest Routes and to capture cumulative knowledge to inform land managers about the benefits and liabilities ...
  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2003-01)
    Provides line officers with ongoing critical information for the operation and maintenance of a safe and affordable road system that is responsive to public needs and meets land management objectives with minimal negative ...