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Resource Management Planning Documents


The BLM engages in extensive land use planning through a collaborative approach with local, State and Tribal governments; the public; stakeholder groups. The resource management planning process consists of nine steps:

  1. Identification of issues
  2. Development of planning criteria and State Director Guidance
  3. Inventory data and information collection
  4. Analysis of the management situation
  5. Formulation of alternatives
  6. Estimation of effects of alternatives
  7. Selection of preferred alternative
  8. Selection of resource management plan
  9. Monitoring and evaluation

The resulting plans, called Resource Management Plans, provide the framework to guide decisions for use of the lands and mineral resources under the control of the BLM. These Plans are collected here. These efforts are guided by two key laws: the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA), and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA).

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