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Roseburg, Oregon Planning Documents: Recent submissions

  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2012-02-16)
    Urban Growth Boundary Amendment to include Interstate Highway 5 Right-of-Way. Moves UGB from easterly side of 1-5 right of way to westerly side of 1-5 right of way. No real property to be included. Line crosses 1-5 near ...
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2010-06-17)
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2009-12-31)
    Annexation of 228 individual properties consisting of a total of 185 acres, including public roadways and a portion of Interstate 5 process per ORS 222.120, 125, 170 and 750 with concurrent Zone Change to replace the ...
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2010-11-10)
    This action was to up-date the Roseburg Urban Area Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map and Zoning Map for property that is part of the Roseburg Regional Airport. The change is from an industrial designation to an airport ...
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2010-07-28)
    Updates and revisions to the Land Use and Development Ordinance adding numbering to the definition section, re-formatting the sign section and adding conditionally allowed uses in the neighborhood commercial zone.
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2011-03-18)
    Adoption by reference of Interchange Area Management Plan (IAMP) for Interchange 129 in Douglas County. Amend Roseburg Comprehensive Plan and Roseburg TSP by including by reference (but not limited to) the Interchange Area ...
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2011-03-16)
    The project will bring 4.45 acres into the City's Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) provide a land use designation of low density residential. Annexation is being processed to change the jurisdiction from County to City and apply ...
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2011-10-27)
    the adopted amendment. Do not use technical terms
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2009-12-18)
    Legislative LUDO Text Amendment Article 30 Floodplain; adoption of Flood Insurance Study (FIS) and Digital FIRM maps effective February 17, 2010 for Douglas County, Oregon and Incorporated Areas. Amend Land Use and Development ...
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2009-10-01)
    Amendments lo update the Bicycle and Pedestrian portions of the Transportation System Plan. Included are proposed construction projects, plus other efforts aimed at making the community more bicycling and walking user friendly and
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2009-09-30)
    Approved consent annexation to bring approximately 20 acres of property and 9 acres of adjoining public rightof-way into the City of Roseburg jurisdiction, concurrently changing the zone from County Medium Industrial to ...
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2009-12-17)
    Adopted a Redevelopment Plan as a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the West Ave Area followed by adoption of Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map changes, Zone Changes and Land Use and Development Ordinance text amendment to ...
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2008-02-13)
    Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment of 0.7-acre parcel from Professional Office to High-density Residential and concurrent zone change of same parcel from Profession Office (PO) to Multi-family Residential (MR-29)
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2008-02-14)
    Amendments to the Land Use and Development Ordinance to implement provisions of the Transportation System Plan. The amendments add requirements for notice of actions to transportation providers, requirements for Transportation ...
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2008-12-10)
    Population forecast adoption required under OAR Division 24. Currently adopted with the County and agreed by City, forecast now adopted by City as part of Goal 14 update.
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2008-04-17)
    Zone change of approximately 4.69 acres from medium industrial to mixed use to provide greater flexibility allowing a mixture of industrial and commercial instead of strictly industrial. There is no development occurring ...
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2008-04-16)
    Rezoning from R-l-7.5 (7500 square foot minimum) to R-l-6 (6000 square foot minimum) in accordance with a condition of a re-plat so that the property does not have split zones.
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2007-12-13)
    Zone change from an industrial designation to Mixed Use designation allowing a mixture of commercial and industrial uses on 6.99 acres the proposed zone is consistent with the current Comprehensive Plan designation ofIND
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2007-07-13)
    Annexation of 0.46 acres of property that has a Comprehensive Plan designation of Commercial (COM) within the City UGB and per the adopted Umpqua Growth Management Agreement is zoned City C-3 (Commercial). Annexation will ...
  • Roseburg (Or.) (Roseburg, 2007-01-30)
    Adoption of an ordinance to change the zoning on property currently under development as part of Sunset View Subdivision. The requested Zone Change is from R-1-7.5 (7500 SF minimum lot size) to R-l-6 (6000 SF minimum lot ...

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