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Tangent, Oregon Planning Documents


Recent Submissions

  • Tangent (Tangent, 2006-12-26)
  • Tangent (Tangent, 2006-04-14)
  • Tangent (Tangent, 2010-12-15)
    Amendments respond to partial approval and remand of Periodic Review Work Task 4 TSP (DLCD) Order No. 001509, May 2003, and result from a TGM grant project begun in April 2009. Additionally amendments based on a Hydrological ...
  • Tangent (Tangent, 2010-07-22)
    Adoption of a new floodplain ordinance, floodplain study and floodplain maps in order to comply with FEMA requirements. The proposed ordinance is attached and the floodplain maps are incorporated by reference as "The Flood ...
  • Tangent (Tangent, 2007-08-15)
    Amend the Comprehensive Plan by revising the introduction to include a vision statement by the voters of Tangent. Amend Goal 1 - Citizen Involvement. Amend Goal 2 - Land Use, Amend Goal 10 - Housing, adopt population ...
  • Tangent (Tangent, 2006-03-02)
  • Tangent (Or.) (City of Tangent (Or.), 2007-11)
    The Comprehensive Plan for the City of Tangent (the City) is the primary document which guides and controls land use within the City limits and the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). The Plan is intended to reflect the community's ...
  • Tangent (Or.) (City of Tangent (Or.), 2004)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Tangent (Or.); Kimley-Horn and Associates (City of Tangent (Or.), 2002)
    This Transportation System Plan (TSP) is intended to meet the need for long range planning and replace the transportation element of the Comprehensive Plan. Other factors have also influenced the need for a TSP. In 1991, ...
  • Tangent (Or.) (City of Tangent (Or.), 2002)
    The Comprehensive Plan is the document through which the citizens of Tangent have made the basic choices on how land development and redevelopment should occur and how it will be managed. The Plan is intended to maintain ...