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Sutherlin, Oregon Planning Documents


Recent Submissions

  • Sutherlin (Or.) (City of Sutherlin, 2015-06-15)
  • Sutherlin (Or.) (City of Sutherlin, 2015-04-21)
  • Sutherlin (Or.) (Sutherlin, 2008-01-23)
    Amend the Sutherlin Comprehensive Plan from HI (Heavy Industriadlo (RLD) Low Density Residential, (RLH) Residential Hillside, and Residential-Agriculture/Forestry/Opens Space concurrent with a Zone Change from M-2 (Heavy ...
  • Sutherlin (Or.) (Sutherlin, 2007-12-17)
    Amend the Sutherlin Comprehensive Plan from Residential-Agriculture/Forestry to Low Density Residential and Residential Hillside concurrent with a Zone Change from FR-75 (Forest Resource) to R-1 (Low Density Residential) ...
  • Sutherlin (Or.) (Sutherlin, 2007-12-18)
    The applicant proposes a plan amendment from CC (Community Commercial) to RMD (Medium Density Residential) with a concurrent zone change from C-3 (Community Commercial) to R-l (Low Density Residential) and R-2 (Medium ...
  • Sutherlin (Or.) (Sutherlin, 2007-12-18)
    The applicant proposes to annex the 8.11-acres into the city limits and rezone from County F-G (Exclusive Farm Use Grazing) to City R-l (Low Density Residential) in order to obtain city services.
  • Sutherlin (Or.) (Sutherlin, 2007-07-16)
    The applicant proposes a plan amendment from RMD (Medium Density Residential) to Light Industrial (LI) with a concurrent zone change from R-2 (Medium Density Residential) to M-1 (Light Industrial) to allow construction of ...
  • Sutherlin (Or.) (Sutherlin, 2007-07-16)
    New Land Use and Development Code.
  • Sutherlin (Or.) (Sutherlin, 2007-07-17)
    The City completed a rezone of approximately 72.46 acres to M-2 from CS and C3 and a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Heavy Industrial from Public and Community Commercial for the Murphy Plywood mill site in 2006. The ...
  • Sutherlin (Or.) (Sutherlin, 2006-05-11)
    The City of Sutherlin adopted the Water Master Plan (WMP) No changes in zoning or Comprehensive Plan text or land use designations have been made. A copy of the document will be provided upon request
  • Sutherlin (Or.) (Sutherlin, 2006-02-23)
    Rezone 1.77 acres to R-3 from R-1 and C-3. Change Comprehensive Plan designation on same property to High Density Residential from Low Density Residential and Community Commercial.
  • Sutherlin (Or.) (Sutherlin, 2006-05-24)
    Rezone approximately 72,46 acres to M-2 from CS and C-3. Change Comprehensive Plan designation on same property to Heavy Industrial from Public and Community Commercial.
  • Satre Associates; Sutherlin (Or.) (City of Sutherlin (Or.), 2008-03-10)
    The study area contains nine [discernible] features with varying degrees of connectivity to each other. These features are mapped and described as WL1 through WL9.... Findings are nearly consistent with the Sutherlin ...
  • Sutherlin (Or.); Dyer Partnership Engineers & Planners (City of Sutherlin (Or.), 2006-05)
    A water management and conservation plan was compiled as this Water Master Plan and subdivided into different sections of the report. A water conservation plan was compiled in accordance with the requirements of OAR ...
  • Sutherlin (Or.); SERA Architects; Cogan Owens Cogan (Firm); Oregon. Dept. of Transportation; Kittelson & Associates (City of Sutherlin (Or.), 2007-05)
    The Southside Parkway Corridor Plan was developed in anticipation of the longterm circulation needs within the City of Sutherlin. At the heart of the plan is the preferred parkway alignment. This preferred conceptual ...
  • Sutherlin (Or.); Satre Associates (City of Sutherlin (Or.), 2005-06-13)
    While Sutherlin has several parks within or near the community, the park system does not currently meet minimum recommended standards regarding the provision of parks and open spaces. Objectives for the Parks and Open ...
  • Sutherlin (Or.); Parsons Brinckerhoff (City of Sutherlin (Or.), 2005-10)
    This Transportation System Plan (TSP) provides guidance and regulatory tools so that the City can develop its transportation system through coordinated policies and planned improvements over the next 20 years. It also ...
  • Sutherlin (Or.) (City of Sutherlin (Or.), 1992)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...