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Hubbard, Oregon Planning Documents


Recent Submissions

  • Hubbard (Or.) (City of Hubbard, 2013-05-21)
  • Hubbard (Or.) (City of Hubbard, 2014-09-23)
  • Hubbard (Or.) (Hubbard, 2012-08-20)
    Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Medium Density Residential to Commercial and a zone change from Medium Density Residential (R-2) to Residential Commercial (RD) for a 0.23 acre parcel located at 2732 D Street in Hubbard, OR.
  • Hubbard (Or.) (Hubbard, 2012-06-19)
    The proposed amendments include the adoption of a new Transportation System Plan and related policy and code amendments. The TSP includes the adoption of revised transportation goals and policies, updated transportation ...
  • Hubbard (Or.) (Hubbard, 2010-09-21)
    The proposed amendments: allow longer land use approval periods; clarify property line adjustment procedures; reconcile conflicting vision clearance area requirements; clarify setback requirements and expand the list of ...
  • Hubbard (Or.) (Hubbard, 2009-02-17)
  • Hubbard (Or.) (Hubbard, 2008-10-16)
    The proposal includes the annexation of property approximately 11.7 acres in size with a concurrcnt request to change the zoning from Marion County UT-5 (Urban Transitional 5 acres) to IC (Industrial Commercial).
  • Hubbard (Or.) (Hubbard, 2008-08-14)
    The request as approved includes the annexation of property approximately 12.7 acres in size, a concurrent Comprehensive Plan Map change from Public to Low Density Residential, and a zone change from Marion County UTF ...
  • Hubbard (Or.) (Hubbard, 2008-08-14)
    This amendment included adoption of a revised Economics Section of the Hubbard Comprehensive Plan and a 19-acre urban growth boundary expansion for future commercial and industrial use. --
  • Hubbard (Or.) (Hubbard, 2006-03-22)
  • Hubbard (Or.) (Hubbard, 2006-01-13)
    This amendment would amend the local street standards in the by: Hubbard Transportation Plan. The amendments also amend the Hubbard Development Code (1) revising standards for caretaker residences in will the Industrial ...
  • Hubbard (Or.); Mid Willamette Valley Council of Governments (City of Hubbard (Or.), 1999-06-29)
    The Hubbard TSP was developed by a Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) composed of interested citizens, elected and appointed city officials, and transportation planning specialists from state agencies and Marion ...
  • Hubbard (Or.) (City of Hubbard (Or.), 2006)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Hubbard (Or.); Oregon Downtown Development Association; VanderZanden, Mark; Bernhardt, Magnus; Bosch, Mary; Dugger, Vicki (City of Hubbard (Or.), 2003-06-26)
    This report is a summary of information collected and synthesized by the ODDA Resource Team while working in Hubbard May 24-26, 2003. It is based on the information presented at the May 26th final presentation. The ...