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Rainier, Oregon Planning Documents


Recent Submissions

  • Rainier (Or.) (City of Rainier, 2013-12-20)
  • Rainier (Or.) (Rainier, 2010-11-22)
    An Ordinance Pertaining to Flood Damage Prevention in the City of Rainier. As mandated by FEMA and Oregon DLCD
  • Rainier (Or.) (Rainier, 2010-11-19)
  • Rainier (Or.) (Rainier, 2007-04-19)
    An amendment reversing the industrial symbols Ml and M2 for consistency with Columbia County Zoning. An amendment to zoning code 6.6 that extends the discontinuance of a non-conforming use from 6 months to 18 months.
  • Rainier (Or.) (Rainier, 2006-04-05)
    dinance 1028 approved 4-3-06 by the Rainier City Council ordained two Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment and Zone Mape designation applications by adjoining property owners Rod Richards, President of Washington Home Center ...
  • Columbia County (Or.) (Columbia County (Or.), 2009-04)
    The 2009 Columbia County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan update is intended to: include newly identified hazards affecting individual jurisdictions; provide a comprehensive risk assessment and vulnerability ...
  • Rainier (Or.) (City of Rainier (Or.), 2005-06-20)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Rainier (Or.); Kittelson & Associates; W&H Pacific (City of Rainier (Or.), 1997-09)
    A comprehensive analysis of the transportation system in the Rainier area has been prepared in conjunction with the Oregon Department of Transportation, the City of Rainier, the Rainier Transportation Plan Advisory ...
  • Rainier (Or.) (City of Rainier (Or.), 2003-01-21)
    The City of Rainier uses the Comprehensive Plan document to state findings and policies and the Zoning Ordinance, Land Division Ordinance and other regulations to govern the use and development of land within the city. ...