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Josephine County, Oregon Planning Documents: Recent submissions

  • Josephine County (Or.) (Josephine County (Or.), 1981-04)
    This document is designed to be a summary of information on a variety of factors over time, including population, economics, forest lands, recreation, public facilities, and natural resources. As such, it represents ...
  • Josephine County (Or.); Illinois Valley Fire District; ForEverGreen Forestry (Josephine County (Or.), 2005-03)
    This Illinois Valley Fire Plan project developed community awareness, planning, and action on fire safety and fuels reduction in the Illinois Valley. The Illinois Valley Fire District’s (IVFD) objective for this project ...
  • Josephine County (Or.) (Josephine County (Or.), 1994-08-18)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Josephine County (Or.) (Josephine County (Or.), 2005-10)
    The comprehensive plan contains the general goals and policies, maps, inventories, functional plans and implementing ordinances that are required to guide the future development of Josephine County. As such, the plan is ...
  • Josephine County (Or.) (Josephine County (Or.), 1979-09)
    [The Plan]is the Land Use Goals and Policies that the Planning Commission formally recommended to the Board of County Commissioners in the fall of 1979. This recommendation came as the result of over two years of training, ...
  • Josephine County (Or.) (Josephine County (Or.), 2005-05-10)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Nelson-Nygaard Consulting Associates; Josephine County (Or.); Parametrix, Inc. (Josephine County (Or.), 2004-06)
    The Josephine County Rural Transportation System Plan (TSP) establishes the countyâ s goals, policies and action strategies for developing the transportation system outside of the Grants Pass and Cave Junction Urban ...
  • Josephine County (Or.); University of Oregon. Program for Watershed and Community Health (Josephine County (Or.), 2004-11-08)
    Goals [for this Plan are]: protect against potential losses to life, property and natural resources from wildfire; build and maintain active participation from each Fire Protection District; set realistic expectations for ...
  • Applegate Partnership; Shaffer, Sandy; Shipley, Jack; Coogle, Diana (The Applegate Partnership (Applegate, Or.), 2002-08)
    The Applegate Fire Plan is a collaborative effort, hatched from an idea that was developed jointly by local citizens and federal agency folks in the Spring of 2001. Due to wide-spread participation throughout the Applegate ...
  • Oregon Survey Research Laboratory; Josephine County (Or.). Board of Commissioners (2003)
  • Oregon Survey Research Laboratory; Josephine County (Or.). Board of Commissioners (2002)
  • Oregon Survey Research Laboratory; Josephine County (Or.). Board of Commissioners (2001)

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